
If we used the Grand Canyon as a Lanfill how quick would we fill it up to max capacity?

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If we used the Grand Canyon as a Lanfill how quick would we fill it up to max capacity?




  1. the grand canyon as a landfill a a landfill  as a landfill as a land fill as a land fill..jurk

  2. untill i shat in it

  3. Humans are dumping about a trillion kilograms per year in landfills but if the Grand Canyon was used it would take thousands of years to fill maybe it could never be filled- whats the point?

  4. I am afraid the the Colorado river would be a toxic mess.

  5. landfils  are evil dont even think about ,and a landfill of these proportions is a Satanic solution as far as the ecology is concerned ,

    put on the dumbbells hat and stand in the corner

  6. First you'd have to file an environmental impact statement, but the real problem would be the liner.

    great idea!

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