
If we went to war with Russia...what would YOU do if it was Nuclear?

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if more than 15 nuke missiles go off, the whole human race could be gone... what would you do?




  1. Go to a major city so at least I'd die quickly.

  2.   Make sure of my self with the Lord God and say a Long prayer that He Looked after the souls of the ones I Loved and my self. for I would surly be heaven bound.

  3. what a dumb question. What can we do??? NOTHING, because we're all dead.

  4. I live in a major metropolitan area so I'm thinking I would probably be vaporized pretty quickly.

  5. If the whole human race would be gone, that leaves being dead, of course.

  6. well I would probably die. why? what would you do?

  7. Laugh my a.. off when all the un-maintained Russian missiles detonated in their silos, saving us the trouble.

  8. Probably become a crispy critter .  

  9. Go to MOPP Level Five, continue shooting.

  10. Fortunately, all the nuclear weapons in all the world's arsenals wouldn't even come close to killing us all.  I'm not going to use US government figures to confirm that, but a paper written by an Australian researcher connected with their peace movement.

    David Martin, a peace activist and Australian researcher on stratospheric studies, devoted considerable time to studying the ACTUAL effects of a nuclear war on the environment.  His paper "The Global Health Effects of Nuclear War" was the result.

    Dr. Martin, after calculating the effects of a worldwide nuclear exchange on the Earth, concluded that five to six hundred million people, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere, would die either from nuclear weapons effects, fallout radiation, or breakdown of public health leading to outbreaks of epidemic illness after the war.

    There are six billion people on Earth.  While the deaths of six hundred million people would be a ghastly, horrible event, the vast majority of the human race would survive a full-on nuclear war.

    Dr. Martin's own conclusion on the "overkill" myth:


    'Overkill: the ability to exterminate a population more than once. " Both the US and the Soviet Union now possess nuclear stockpiles large enough to exterminate mankind three or four - some say ten - times over" (Philip Noel-Baker, Nobel Peace Prize winner, 1971) .'

    Many people believe that the capacity of nuclear weapons for 'overkill' means that all or most of the people on earth would die in a major nuclear war. In spite of the prevalence of this idea, there is little scientific evidence to support it.

    Many calculations of 'overkill' appear to be made using the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a baseline. Estimates of the number of people killed at Hiroshima from a 13kt bomb range from 63,000 to over 200,000. Adopting a figure of 130,000 for illustrative purposes gives ten people killed for each tonne of nuclear explosive. By linear extrapolation, explosion of a third of a million times as much explosive power, 4000Mt, would kill a third of a million times as many people, namely 40,000 million, or nearly ten times the present world population.

    But this factor of ten is misleading, since linear extrapolation does not apply. Suppose the bomb dropped on Hiroshima had been 1000 times as powerful, 13Mt. It could not have killed 1000 times as many people, but at most the entire population of Hiroshima perhaps 250,000. Re-doing the 'overkill' calculation using these figures gives not a figure of ten but of only 0.02. This example shows that crude linear extrapolations of this sort are unlikely to provide any useful information about the effects of nuclear war.

    'Overkill' can be meaningful if applied to specific targets which will be attacked by several nuclear weapons.  But applied to the entire world population the concept of 'overkill' is misleading. By the same logic it might be said that there is enough water in the oceans to drown everyone ten times.

    It has been argued that if the megatonnage in nuclear arsenals were increased by ten or 100 times and used in war, the fallout would be sufficient to threaten the life of most people on earth. Since total megatonnage has been decreasing in recent years, this particular possibility remains hypothetical, at least at the moment."

    As to what I would do, I have made it my business to know how to survive and help my loved ones survive for the two weeks following a nuclear war, when the fallout radiation would be so intense as to kill exposed individuals outside.  

    This information is not secret.  It's on the Internet and your local Emergency Preparedness or Civil Defense Office can give it to you.  It's free. (2)

    You can learn how to survive a nuclear war if you want to.

  11. Die...I think you already made that abundantly clear.

  12. 15 "nuclear" missiles will in no way wipe out even 20 percent of the human race, hate to burst your bubble.  Now if I knew there was about to be a shooting war with Russia I'd just hope and pray I didn't live near one of the target cities.

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