
If we were invaded by another country, the same way we invaded Iraq, how would you feel about them? ?

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The fact that some of them hate us... is no surprise. They just see the death and destruction all around them. They had running water and electricity before we got there. Now lots of homes don't even have that. Is that is helping people?




  1. That depends. If they are Canadians I would welcome them with open arms. If they are some tin pot dictatorship or theocracy, I'll have to put my grievances with the US government aside and fight to overthrow them.

  2. Your question hints that our country is ruled in a similar fashion to Iraq's prior to the war.  That's not accurate.  By the way- please site a source that says they don't have power or running water right now.  Last I heard they had much of their infrastructure coming back on line.  

    Invading Iraq wasn't about not liking Saddam-though that probably did have quite a bit to do with it, I mean dude was pure evil.  

    Oh, invading the US and killing Bush wouldn't help anything b/c they'd have to rewrite our laws and change us from a democracy to something else.  The folks in Iraq actually seem to like the fact that they are no longer ruled by a dictator.  

    To more accurately answer your question-I wouldn't be happy with them, unless they were liberating me from something.

  3. Please educate yourself.  Iraq now has a far greater infrastructure, built by America than they had under Saddam.  As to your question, I would welcome a country willing to put it's soldiers on the line to free me from a dictatorship that was holding me in poverty and committing genocide.  Please do not mindlessly spout anti-American propaganda without learning the facts first.  Do this, if not for your country, then for the soldiers that have died or been wounded fighting to help those in Iraq.

  4. The Iraq war is going a lot better now.  Does that make people like you happy, or no?

  5. If they were getting rid of Obama and Pelosi, I'd say good show old chap and buy them a beer.

  6. I venture to guess that we would rally our friends and our guns and try to kill them just as Iraqis are trying to do to us.

  7. I tend to agree, its to easy to be brainwashed by media reports the fact of the matter is under Saddam the country was stable and there was law and order, OK in a perverse way to what we are used to but it was there.

    Now it's lawless and so unstable,it's not right for us to turn the lives of innocent Iraqis on its heads like we did. Its like someone coming in to our country and installing their way of life on us.

    In the UK we had just this in the 40's when Germany tried to invade, we rejected this invasion although the German Army were doing it for what they considered a better cause !! :)

  8. About half a million iraqis have died as a result of the war.  Some people believe that things are great now in Iraq since the surge.  They are wrong.  Unfortunately the mainstream corporate media in America won't tell you what the rest of the world sees.

    I always roll my eyes when I hear that the Americans are "training the Iraqis" - Iraq was civilized long before Europe.  The reason why Iraq can't run itself now is that all of the well educated people have left the country.  It's just tragic and it will take generations for Iraq to recover.

  9. Yes. I'd be just a little pissed off. But that's basically apples and oranges. If the western powers had not intervened to begin with perhaps they could have, quite naturally found their own borders by virtue of numbers and political will by the same bloody and well-earned path that we chose, for right or wrong.

  10. I'd feel sorry for them, where do you people get this stuff the Taliban was not in Iraq until we invaded there.Iraq was out of control and Suddam was crazy.The only reason this country blames Bush for everything is cause that's what the democrats want even though they voted for the war too.Bush did not just say oh I think we'll invade Iraq, it was a voted on thing.If we did'nt invade people would have been saying we should have.Get real America!!Did you forget that Iran took Americans hostage years ago, they are out of control.

  11. Does anyone have a semi intelligent question in this section? Did you take your meds? I thought this was the worst question i have read on here so far and then.......................nope, you win.

  12. I would take pity on them. Within days their country would be nuked, and turned into a wasteland of glowing dust and debris.

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