
If we were not meant to eat animals why are they made out of tasty meat?

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If we were not meant to eat animals why are they made out of tasty meat?




  1. well, why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

    why do we live longer then animals?

    why is george bush so stupid?

    there r a lot of things we dont know!

  2. Go outside now chase after an animal and with your bare hands and teeth catch that animal and eat it whole and raw.

    You could not do so. This is because we do not have the  biochemistry, dentristry, locomotion, running speed, instincts etc, etc to be able to eat meat. Human teeth today clearly support a frugivorous diet. We do not have an elongated snout and large canines as omnivores do nor have we have got shearing teeth on the side, as they do.

    Nor has years of evolvution meant that humans have evolved new biochemistry, dentristy etc to enable us to eat meat (or an omnivivorous diet even.) Check out the causes of all the modern degenerative diseases which meat eating (and an excess of animal based fats, such as dairy products)  are major contributory factors to. There is overwhelming epidemiological evidence condemning meat-eating.

    In other words we are not 'meant' to eat a completely unnatural, cooked, culturally conditioned, omnivorous diet!

    An animal's (human's) pre-existing physiology and biochemistry determine what diet the animal should eat. We are frugivores, not omnivores or even herbivores. We can only eat meat because we have learned to  make tools and learned to cook meat in able to eat it.

    There are no instances of ANY species radically altering its diet from frugivore to omnivore. Hundreds of biological changes would need to take place from absorptive to assimilative biochemistry.  The gut of a herbivore is very different to that of a human. For example we do not have a Herbivore's  highly specialized fermentation processes necessary to digest otherwise indigestible cellulose in their grass-oriented diet like for example a horse, cow, sheep or  rabbit.

    There is strong scientific evidence against cooking meat

    Our biology determines that we are Frugivores, like chimps, our closest genetic relative so should eat mostly fruit, some leaves, and seeds/nuts.

    (see nutrition table in link too).

  3. It is totally natural for humans to eat meat, just like it is natural for all kinds of other animals to eat meat. If some people choose not to eat meat I have no problem with that, but if they try to force me to stop eating meat they are out of line.

  4. because we need protein and God put animals on this planet for us to eat and for the animals to live in nature.

  5. Well, to a lion, a tiger, a bear, a wolf, a shark, a large dog or any other carnivore that could kick your behind in a second and eat you alive, you are made of tasty meat, too. Does that mean you were made to be eaten by them? Well, yes and no. To these violent animals meat is tasty and so they go on eating it. If eating meat is a matter of taste to you and you like the taste of meat, then you too will go on eating meat.

    But eating meat includes a factor of cruelty versus compassion. Killing another being requires a total lack of compassion, (unless you are putting a being out of it's misery). So, if you like eating meat, imagine yourself killing the animal(s) whose meat you find tasty. If in killing you find no discomfort, or guilt, or sorrow, or pity, or any other kind of negative feeling, then you are made to be a killer and to inflict the pain of death upon other beings.

    If killing and hurting other beings makes you happy and makes you feel good, then you will go on hurting other beings, including human beings, because that action gives you pleasure and makes you feel good. That's what is known as being cruel. Apparently, based on your question, being cruel is your cup of tea. And since you are so much into cruelty and killing, by the law of attraction, don't be surprised if you end up in some animal's or some person's jaws and belly someday.

  6. I think that one could graph the correlation between endangered species and how good they taste.

  7. We were meant to eat meat. Immediately after The Flood, God gave Noah and his family permission to start eating meat.

  8. question is were did you get it that you shouldn't eat meat

  9. Meat has on its own no taste. It is the taste of the other ingredients that one feels while eating meat.

  10. PETA:





    Besides, how many plants to vegans kill for their salads???

  11. I luv meatz. nom nom nom nom

  12. im gonna break the rules and answer this question with another question.  look up the durian fruit.  its fruit, yet it is insanely stinky.  whoever was the first person to crack one open and declare, "hey this smells like a dumpster, lets eat it"  was a nutcase.  but if you have ever tried it, it is delicious even though it is revered as the smelliest natural food ever.  

    to really answer the question though, why arent we meant to eat animals? it happens in the real world all the time, predators and prey, thats what keeps animals surviving.  if there werent any predators, then the population would just keep soaring untill the carrying capacity of the world would kill off many animals for lack of resources, and as most people know, we are derived from a monkey(or if you are part of the colbert nation, a fish) and naturally, at some point in evoloution we realized that most animals eat some kind of other animal, and that we probably should too if we plan on surviving. needless to say, we have survived.  and yes meat is still very tasty.  

    besides that, what kind of crazy person would suggest that we arent meant to eat delicious savory pig ribs and such.....


    its delicious and who cares why we arent meant to eat it.....

    i say its good.

    so there!

  13. It all depends on views of taste.  I am vegetarian cuz i hated the taste of meat and plus, humans could do without meat.  GO PETA!!! sorry just a natural habit.  my mom (and the Bible) says that some animals (like cows) were made to feed us.  it was supposedely part of God's plan.  maybe that is why meat is tasty (to you), God made it that way so we (tch, not me)  could enjoy it.

  14. Human beings are omnivores. We need a diet of meat and vegetables. Or at least food products that may be made of vegetables but have the same nutritional value as meat.

  15. so that you can learn by overcoming temptation

  16. Probably human meat is tastier than animal meat?????

  17. Where did you get the idea that we're not meant to eat animal meat? None of the reliable references supports this idea.

    Animals are made out of tasty meat so we can enjoy the eating of the meat. So, go ahead, have that meat meal. Just don't over do it.

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