
If we were to exclude 'foreigners' from this section what would that mean?

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PS I'm not suggesting this, but a certain self-appointed hall monitor just did.




  1. Depending on where you live everyone else is a foreigner. Excluding anyone from working somewhere is against the law so why wouldn't it be illegal to block them from answering questions here? Then who will they exclude? If they can make exceptions, before long everyone on here will think alike and that would be insanely boring!

  2. If that rule applied only to those who are total strangers to logic, intelligence, and reason, I'd be all for it.

    Said self-appointed hall monitor apparently hasn't been in her right mind for years, which makes her a foreigner to all of the above. She'd be the first one out the door.

  3. The small populations of Hindus and Muslims that we currently attract in here would decrease in size and we'd loose some of the diversity that makes this place interesting.

  4. this isn't an American section (there is no American section on YA).

    So we are all foreigners.

  5. Fireball is one of the biggest idiots I have seen here.  She represents all that is wrong with this Country.  Just ignore her.  She wont learn anything ever.  I would call her a troll, but she is just stupid and intolerant, ignorant, spoiled.

  6. Exactly who is the foreigner then? What type? Geographical foreigners? Alright. Starting with... those in India? They are foreign... to me. Or Americans? I don't live in America, therefor they are foreign. Greeks? Never been to Greece, never mind live there. More foreigners. Oh wait... But I'm foreign to someone, too. So I've got to go, as well as all other Canadians here....

    I see an issue.

    Seeing as the internet does not exist in a geographical location, you can't use geography to define foreigners.

    Well, how about by religion? Alright, let's start with... Buddhists. I'm not a Buddhist. That makes that religion foreign. Muslims? Not Muslim. Foreign. Christians? Not Christian. Still foreign. Atheists? I AM an atheist, so they can stay, as they're not foreign.

    Then again, not everyone is atheist, so we're foreign as well. And away we go.

    Can't pick a specific religion to NOT be foreign. The internet doesn't have a religion. The internet doesn't go to church, mosque... it doesn't meditate.

    So not by geography, and not religion....

    Well, that's body, and spirit.

    What's left. AHA! Intellect!

    No stupid people allowed! Which means that anyone who wants to get rid of foreigners must leave. Now.

    Now THIS is the kind of bigotry I could really believe in.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  7. No one could post... we are all foreigners to someone.

  8. Assuming you are American it would mean only American content would be posted.

    I believe you can select "US Answers Only" as an option, but some people do like to enter YA on "All English Questions" and verbally attack people from other countries.

  9. Nobody on the list who isn't born on Earth.

  10. I guess it would mean that we wouldn't get a world perspective on religion and spirituality

    @ KiraJenLove,that was not a smart thing to say. I've seen plenty of foreigners who can speak proper English,have good grammar,and good spelling. In fact,some of them are better than people who's native language is English

  11. anyone who isnt living in the USA!!!

  12. Define "foreigner". All nationalities are here. Which one is the "national" one?

  13. Foreign how?

    I'm English, so all the Americans are foreigners!

  14. You wouldn't have me to thumbs down (not you, the others!)

    Greetings from the wilds of Canada.  

  15. I'm from the UK and have opened a US account, you foreigners can't stop me, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  16. It would mean that foreigners were excluded.

    Sometimes my fellow Americans embarass me.  Thinking the WORLD WIDE WEB is an American only province, or thinking that only Americans speak english....just throw dirt on me and call me a garden

  17. That would mean that all the people would go. Except for the Yahoo staff.

  18. It would mean the spelling and grammar of the questions would improve.

  19. answer: how would that be possible since we usually don't know who is a "foreigner" and 2) which country would be considered the mother/fatherland?

    I LIKE having my British, German, Slovakian, Canadian and Aussie friends around.  I think there's some Italians and French in there too.

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