
If we were told that we all had to move to the moon...what would you miss most about the Earth?

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I don't mean commercial things..I mean the land etc. Would you miss the flowers...the mountains..the snow..the ocean etc....what would you miss the MOST?




  1. Nothing,because I will think  to come back.

  2. Butterflies, and moths.

    Someone might bring some to the moon, but I prefer to watch them when they are free.

    That probably sounds g*y, but I have a fascination with them, and I dont draw horses and unicorns on my notebooks, so don't get on my case.

  3. just being free to go and do what i want being in space just seems so boring to me  you cant do anything but fly around

  4. water ... Lakes.... Ok so Mountains with lakes >>>

  5. Surfing inTahiti. I would miss Tahiti Airlines. Can we come back an visit? And not go through L.A?

  6. I'd miss the desert and the high mountains on the divide.

  7. Air

  8. air & water. Can i just be the only one left on earth? its creepy to keep on staying with humans.....

  9. ahhh poo... everyone knows the moon doesnt exist.....they use a projector and create an image of a so called "moon" to fool people from knowing the truth about what really revolves around the Earth... a bucket of paint... O_o ive seen it... through somehting called a "kaleidoscope", a very scientrific instument.

  10. One thing i WOULDNT miss,that  would be

  11. my gf in case she didnt make it:)

  12. I'd miss the feeling of looking up at the moon and letting my imagination run wild with all the possibilities of whats up there

  13. I know that was not the intent of the question - but my real answer is: the ability to be without a spacesuit, to breath and move freely.

    And the answer to the question you meant to ask, the first places I just thought of, maybe not very original:

    Palenque, Karnak, Teotihuacan, Efesos, Masada, Luxor, Machu Picchu, Jerusalem, Reykiavik, Petra, Chichen Itza, Glaciars at Calafate, Argentina, Iguazu terra Cota sculpturus at Xian, China...

  14. Air, water, mountains, lakes, trees, scenery. I'd rather not live in a landscape that looks like a sterile desert.

  15. Everything....

    All the plants, the fields, the mountains, the sea and all the ruins of old civilisations. Those ruins tell so much and are amazing and have stayed the same for years. They tell such a story

  16. um.. i would miss the variey of food.. i love to eat!! but i am thin.. very thin.. i have a high metabolism rate. you know my age right... i weigh 31kgs and am about 5feet tall.

    if we could thake the food along, i would miss the veiws and nature.. and all the anima,ls.

  17. Playing catch with my kids......This would be hard to do in space.

  18. gravity


    oh, ok! sorry! I would most miss the skiing in Brittish Colombia, the snowball fights in my back yard, and the cherry blossom trees i saw last summer when i went to Japan.

  19. Nothing.  Earth is a sh*thole dump.  Good riddance, I say.  Put me on the first ship out of here.

  20. I would miss the outdoors, trees, animals etc. because the moon don't have these things. But I would still miss the water, gravity, oxygen ☺.

  21. I would miss the sky, and the mountain air, most of all.

    I would also miss my bone density, as I would slowly lose calcium from my bones into my blood stream due to the lower gravity.

    If I didn't put in enough exercise and take supplements to offset this loss my own muscles could possibly break my bones when I was performing simple actions, like reaching for the remote.


  23. id miss summer trips to the beech.... an id miss penguins... i like penguins... lol

  24. the rivers and lakes

  25. the quiet sanctuary of a secluded lake

    just fishing and swimming and tanning in the sun----

    the moon is to gray and dull

  26. I'd miss the beauty and variety of this world, and I would work on a rocket to get back there.  Unless the Earth became completely unable to support life--which it should be able to for at least a millenium yet, I would do everything in my power to stay.  Space is fun for a visit, but I like it here.

  27. oxygen

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