
If were in the midst of Global warming, how cold do democrats want it to get?

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we have had only two days of average temps this month in st. louis...the other 27 days have been below normal...will al gore and his little eichmans only be happy when it's below normal every day??




  1. Hey....these so-called climate experts....yes, the same goobers who predicted an ice age in 1975....are going to have a 'cause' no matter what.  Right now, it's AGW..... when that proves false the 'cause' will be AGC (cooling)....if the weather remains static, then the 'cause' will be AGN (Anthropogenic Global Normalcy).

    Remember..... 'No 'Cause' = No Grant'

  2. I'm pretty sure they're referring to the melting of the polar ice caps, and not the daily temperatures in St. Louis.

  3. What ,you don`t believe in higher knowledge on global warming,,,keep up the good work

  4. I guess they want every day to be the average of what it's been for the past 100 years, no variations, ever?  The average temperature has only risen one degree in the past century, but I guess according to their Day After Tomorrow computer models, that will become a huge disaster in a few years.  It doesn't matter if it gets colder on average; they will also blame that on man's actions.  It's like the perfect idea.  Everything that happens with the weather and the climate can be blamed on people.

  5. Get some education and stop making the enviroment political.  Global warming will occur dramatically over the next decades, not just one winter.  Some places will actually get colder because of the melting ice caps will change the volumne of water in the ocean. This in turn will alter the ocean currnent.  Air currents will also be effected.  Changes in currnet will change weather pattern.  Europe is expected to get the worst of the cold weather.  But honestly.  Do you really care about the truth and learing or are you just trying to make a political statement because you hate democrats.  You are so translucent.

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