
If when people die .........?

by  |  earlier

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they would like to be remembered as a "good person".....why then when we are alive are we so worried about other cultures and who is better than the next person?.........when it never matters ,in the end




  1. because people live in the moment.

  2. ?????

  3. It does matter when we are alive, an also after we are dead, that we could learn from our differences to be the best version of ourselves possible!! There isn't a family member or freind I've lost, That isn't still teaching me about myself in memory as effectively as they did when they were alive... There is great oppurtunity in contraversy,....The acceptance and awareness of ourselves!  How we interact with each other is a direct reflection, of what we value an honor within ourself!! IF you want to change the world , Change your perception of it?!!!!  Just BE the best version of youself you can ! GOOD AN BAD!!!!!

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