
If woman really did come from Adams rib then aren't men part women and women just women?

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lgically andew i guess both our statements could be true, lucky I don't believe in either.




  1. I guess Andrew and your statements would work for conservatives, but lucky for us liberals like you and me, we can just let them think about that and we can actually think about something important. :D

  2. I think men are just men and women are part of men. I mean, they came from a part of a man, man was made from scratch

    I would like to explain that I personally don't believe old testament teachings, I'm christian, but not active. The old testament is just a bunch of stories ment to teach lessons on how we should live and nothing more.

  3. If you believe that tripe I have some ocean front property in Oklahoma that I would love to sell you...

  4. Your "logic" is a great example of dead-pan hilarity.  Thus the father takes after the offspring.  Brilliant!

  5. I dunno, but think what we could have got for an arm and a leg!

  6. I think you meant that the other way around bud. Aren't women part men and men just men? The answer is NO! All that women coming from Adam's ribs is a bunch or crock. We're one specie and our differences are supposed to compliment one another. Men are no better than women and vice versa. We all have a role we need to play in life and that role is defined by the societies in which we live but as you can see it varies from place to place. Men have their strengths and weaknesses and so do women. We're as good as the best of them and as bad as the worst. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. Hmmm... Brings a new slant to XY and XX!

    But I think I agree with Andrew.  Wouldn't it indicate that women are part men (cos they have the man's rib) and men are just men (having no part of the woman in them)?

    In the other creation myth, in Genesis 1:27, God makes humans male and female, in his image.  That has sometimes been interpreted as an understanding that God is androgynous.  I think that's quite an interesting idea.

  8. Genesis is real and women came from men. That's why when Eve took part in the forbidden fruit, nothing happened. It wasn't until Adam ate it when they realized they were naked.

  9. Genesis is like every other creation myth. It's a myth.

    It's interesting however, since there are other examples where men have created stories about creating life from their bodies. Zeus was said to give birth to Minerva out of his head.

    The truth is that all the first religions worshiped God as a Mother. It makes sense if you think about it. If you didn't understand the dynamics of sexual reproduction it would appear that women spontaneously created life.

    Newer religions had to battle the notion that the Feminine came first and created everything else. It was the only way for male dominated religions to take root. So the story of Genesis must be placed in that historical context to be fully understood. It was written at a time when women still acted as priestesses and s*x was a form of worship in many areas.

    Biologically, however, all the earliest life forms reproduced asexually. We continue to call single celled organisms "mother" and "daughter" cells, but this is a misnomer. We still think of the ability to reproduce as the domain of the feminine. The earliest organisms were neither feminine, nor masculine, since neither are capable of existing without the existence of the other.

    I joke about women being the original design and men being the offshoot, but it isn't true, and the converse isn't true either. Men do have less complex and less capable reproductive organs. By that I mean that the female model has more bells and whistles and is biologically more necessary. Nature makes females heartier than males and male fetuses are more often miscarried when the mother's body is under stress, etc. Nature prefers to produce females to ensure survival of the species. I hope that's clear enough.

    In any case, men and women are somewhat like yin and yang. If you've seen that symbol then you know that within the "masculine" there is a feminine core, and within the "feminine" there is a masculine core.

    Some cultures choose to look at it like this: We once were androgynous but we were too powerful so the gods split us in half so that we would be forever looking for our other half.

    Both of the above analogies more accurately describe male and female than does Genesis.

  10. In all my experience, I must confess I've never seen a woman derived from an osseous structure.  Usually a woman requires about 40 weeks of intrauterine gestation following formation of the zygote plus another 18 years.

    I don't think Genesis 1:1 had it down with much rigour.

    I've been trying to achieve the same results from set of baby backs ribs, but to no avail.

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