
If women have their own sports events 'cause they are weaker than men, why do they have their own chess events

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because they are less intelligent?




  1. I didn't even know of women who played chess.

  2. Women can multi-task.

    Men can stop in a supermarket aisle without completely blocking it.

  3. Women arent weaker then men

  4. I know absolutely nothing about chess, but I'm guessing it's a game designed by men for men.  

    I wonder if men could compete on equal terms with women in a competition that was designed by women for women.  For example, making a delicious and balanced meal to feed eight people out of whatever happens to be in the cupboard.  Or making people feel included.  Or managing household finances on a very tight budget.  Or sewing (by hand) a pair of trousers.  

    It all depends on what people have been taught and what people expect to be able to do.  Did you know that women score significantly higher in math examinations when there are no men in the room?  What does that tell us about women have learned about their perception of their abilities?

  5. If boys are as intelligent as girls, why do they need their own schools to even try to equal girls' academic achievements?

  6. because they are weaker in the head as well!!!!!

  7. Because few women seem to be able to compete with men equally when it comes to chess.  It is one of those things that few women seem to excell at.  that's life.

  8. I don't think they should, but maybe it's to protect men's fragile egos, because you couldn't stand being beat by a woman.

  9. this is such an excellent question, and a great answer form Louise C once again

    i see the MAN is sill here posing!!! lol

    and have no answers as usual

    There is still NO field as yet that the sexes can compete in on equal terms, when women claim that they are better than men at something or the other, its usually (things like intuition or multi-Tasking)

  10. Like rose said in another post, men generally have more semantic brains than women. It doesn't make women less intelligent

  11. among 200-300 top chess players there is just one woman.

    male and female brains are built a little differently, men are more rational, so they are good in these kind of sports. Also of course less motivation for women to play chess.

  12. Therein lies the problem.  There are an enormous number of normal women who are exceedingly brilliant, but they don't need publicity.

    Generalizing about an entire gender is irrational.  Modern Feminism is all about generalizing about men and is a hate-driven philosophy.

    The natural consequence of modern Feminism is, indeed, the very misogyny it purports to fight against.

    Anti-feminism is a measure of self preservation.  But misogyny is the invariable reaction to the advancement of modern Feminism, aka, utter Misandry.

  13. Traditionally, many things are separated by s*x.... in many cultures.

    Once societies split things up (for whatever reason) it may take many generations for the notion to be revisited.  For example, single-s*x schools exist because statistics seem to confirm that both boys & girls perform better academically on their own, than in mixed environments.  Not as much fun and not the choice for everyone, but fewer distractions due to raging hormones makes for better SAT scores, and that's a good thing in the eyes of many parents.  In other cases it began with religious traditions, rather than pragmatism.

    And 'weaker' is a loaded term.  While there are clear differences between male & female physiology which result in different average capacities (males as a group possess greater upper-body strength) there are other areas where both sexes are equal, and some where women have the physical advantage. In endurance events like distance running, and of course there's the ever-present example of pain tolerance (childbirth).  And there are always individuals who fall outside the average ranges.  Still, rules are made based upon averages of the populations, and the Olympics are about as far from a modern institution as you can get.

    I agree for things like chess there's no good argument for having separate male/female events.  Look at world championship Poker tournaments, there are plenty of women participating now, there are even some high-profile females stars in that traditionally "man's game".

    One reason that things remain separated is simply to maximize participation- even if the USA, Canada, the UK and France agreed that more events should be mixed, many non-western countries would bar their citizens from competing against other sexes, it's a cultural taboo.

    The assumption that women are considered "less intelligent" is equivalent to assuming that men aren't allowed in women's gymnastics events because they are too "clumsy and brutish".

  14. ok this is a very easy question to answer.

    They have their own because they always have and no woman has made a point in taking them to court and force them to let them in.

  15. Exactly.


  16. Gender does not affect your intelligence. It's genetic and the way people have been nurtured. People have their own abilities, men or women. Why do men have clubs that ban women still? Discrimination, that is. I will challenge you to a game of  chess....P.S, What is your level of education?

  17. maybe its tradition or just what people are comfortable with  just because men and women can do stuff together doesnt mean they always want to

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