
If women in Middle East need education and more rights why don't we start dropping feminists instead of bombs?

by  |  earlier

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Bawsed, I do care about them, but I make fun of everything and you are next!




  1. ...imagine the horror if they mistook those feminist drops with the frequent food drops...

  2. sounds like a great idea (so long as they have parachutes)

  3. because they would probably be stoned to death

  4. Good idea. Volunteers first and then selective dumping.

  5. That's a fantastic idea.

    Don't include the parachutes.

  6. Don't you even care what's happening to those women?  Are you really so petty that you'll mock the suffering of the Middle Eastern women for a quick jab at the suffragettes?

    Honestly, look into it.  

    Women are dragged into the street and beaten near to death by all the men in the area for no reason other than cooking the wrong meal for her husband.  

    Girls are forced to have their genetilia removed during their p*****n years (sometimes with a knife, sometimes with hedge sheers, sometimes with surgical tools) so that they not only don't feel pleasure during s*x, but feel pain EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    Women are dragged to a selected "execution zone" to be stoned to death if her robes accidently get caught and she reveals any skin.  Or she walks too close behind her husband.  Or she tries to teach her son something, anything.  Or she spends more money than her husband likes.  Or she accidentally speaks in an area where a man might hear her.  Or if a man spies through her home's window and sees her face.  Or hair.  Or her daughter's face or hair.  Or her son turns out to be g*y.

    If a woman refuses to give her husband s*x, she is dragged into a public area and raped, then has her b*****s removed.  

    Women cannot be taught in public schools.  If they are called as a witness, two women need to be called to be as credible LEGALLY as one man.  Women cannot shop without their husbands, cannot hold down jobs that pay more than their husbands (and in some places, none at all outside of the home).  

    Now, you look at the civilized areas and yes, women are beginning to excel and become equal in value.  But those places are few and far between, and your flippant dismissal of their suffering makes me believe that you should be forced to go through all those atrocities.

  7. ...but then Outkast would have to change the lyrics to their song and "feminists over Baghdad" doesn't have such a nice ring to it...

  8. I think the Iraqis would prefer the bombs.

  9. I cannot believe that you men are trying to tell us that men are the objectified ones, and yet you would willingly murder thousands of women for the chance to "regain control" (in other words, remove all the laws that have finally made it illegal to mistreat women).

  10. that would be against the Geneva convention provisions, ron  ...too cruel!

  11. Ha ha ha!  roflmao.  What and start WW3?  Good idea though.

  12. Cause we're stupid and focus all our energy into killing eachother instead of helping.

  13. Good idea, Ronnie. Start donating to your NGO of choice that supports education for girls in Middle Eastern countries. It will do you good. It's unhealthy to spend ALL your money on those pay Web sites about sheep wearing lipstick.

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