
If women ran the world and made for sure there were no boys borns until all hatred stopped, would there still

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be wars?




  1. Most likely. Their are women in the army, navy, marines, police, SWAT and many more.

  2. Yep, in my opinion girls cause as much fighting as boys. Girls just reek of jealousy and the urge to have things their own way. Those two weaknesses would never let them get somewhat close to ruling the world.

  3. Your assuming that men are the cause of all wars?  But I see women fighting just as much as any man.  And what is to say that hatred will even stop if there are no more men being born?

  4. Gender has little to do with hatred and wars. This disease is a human disease capable of infecting anyone who forgets their spiritual nature. What you may be addressing is the male-centered world wherein the majority of the power to wage war is in the hands of men. A shift to a female-centered world would do little to change this. The solution is for people to reawaken their spiritual nature because that would end the competition for resources and power.  

  5. In my experience, women are far more violent and hate-filled than men are. Hate and violence fill an important niche in our society, and eliminating men would only increase hatred and violence by making it more subtle and emotionally-driven.

    Men don't cause violence any more than women cause love. I've seen women fight. I will never fight a woman if I'm equally matched. Violent women scare me. I won't date a violent woman, either. Violence is just un-s**y. Well, unless it's play violence, and then it's fun.

    Oh, and... women don't start wars because there are none really in power. This is because it's been firmly ingrained over many centuries in many cultures that women are subservient to men. This is an error in thinking caused by the genetics that seem to dictate that men have more muscle mass on average than women, while women get all the pretty curves and the ability to bear young. In anything other than a "civilized" setting, this promotes survival of the species.

    Here's the real question: if sexism was reversed, would men be fighting for their rights in the same way that women are now?

  6. until the last woman died out. there will always be wars with the human race. now, if we all died that would stop all proper wars, but all animals fight and then a war might be considered much smaller than wat we consider wars. there will always be wars as long as there is any form of life

  7. the hatred would still come. Its not all about pink and fuzzy and cute. There will still be the Goths and Emos and Punks hating the preps and the Jocks who dislike the lazy, and there would be cat fights and most likely there would be even more war since actually, and Im not trying to be offensive, us women dio have more emotional problems and because of this we can even judge wrongly about certain people. There also has to be a balance, and there is no way to give birth without the fertilization from men, so we wouldn't live long anyway, plus most of us would REALLY love to still have boys around... I actually loveboys so much I love boys with other boys XD Yes Im a Yaoi Fangirl lol but still, that would not be a good idea

  8. women ALREADY rule the world, deservedly so. But women need to give up their dependence on men; like our nation (US) must relinquish it's dependence on oil ! Then we will eliminate the male blight of evil !

  9. i have found that women can be much more vicious than men, so i think the situation you have just described would bring about the end of civilization as we know it much faster.

  10. Anyone who has seen some of the videos of teen girls attacking other young girls(and being proud enough of their actions to post them on Youtube!) has been faced with the reality of female aggression.  Even when women are not combatants, they can participate in the atmosphere of hatred;during the first world war women handed men who looked able bodied and were not in uniform white feathers to label them as cowards, Women on the winning side of wars have accepted the benefits that come with victory without question. Aggression and hatred are not male, but human traits.  But I will say that women are generally less violent than men-which could change as gender roles continue to blur.  So women are part of the problem and not the answer.

  11. if women ran the world evil would still exist, there are good men just like there are bad ones and the same goes for the female race. also history has taught us that anytime one gender has had more power war and chaos has ensued. the only way we can exist is to learn to peacefully coexist with one another.  

  12. I hate to break this to you but women are just as responsible for the condition the world is in as men are. There is no one person or gender responsible. It was joint effort.

  13. There would be no wars but there would also be no young people. eventually the men would die off and there would be no one for the young ones to breed with. Therefore, our species would be extinct.  

  14. Sorry, but men don't hold a monopoly on hatred. So yes, there woul still be wars.  In fact, judging by the way women I know treat each other, there may be even MORE wars based on silly hatred. At least most wars now are over power, land, or religion.

  15. There will ALWAYS be hatred, sorry to burst your bubble. Having no hatred would not even exist with ONLY women being in the picture. There will always be those catty, two-faced, shallow minded women. There will always be those women who ENVY others and put them down to make themselves feel better. There will always be judgment (even though we are taught not to judge thy neighbor, growing up.) All of that IS hatred and will  never just "go away!"

    What women are IN POWER to actually start a "real" war? What is your definition of war? Women start other kinds of wars. Wars among their friends. Among the men in their lives. There are all kinds of circumstances.

  16. hatred will never go awayso , when all the men that were already alive died, there would be no moremales to make babies with women, then when the rest of the women died, there would be no more poeple

  17. Yes.  Have you ever seen a bunch of women get along.  They are far more cruel than men sometimes.  Men are aggressive, but they do finalize conflict one way or another.  Women can drag out hatred for decades.

  18. uh DUH women are very manipulative/caniving

    so even though we wont be physically fighting

    mentally we will be becuz girls dont have to use

    violence to win a fight all they need to do is mess with

    your head and that can be way worse than a gun wound  

  19. yes there would be wars women cause them haha. no i dont think women cause the wars but they are even more jealous than us guys so no matter what war would exist plus you need men to reproduce, L*****n would do only half the job.  

  20. Besides the fact that it would take at least 100 years for all the men to die and procreation would be impossible at that point, both men and women experience hate. We are all humans after all. There would obviously still be wars. I believe you are grossly over generalizing women. Peace comes from the level of consciousness that one has and chooses to nurture and evolve. Further, if you look at history, the human race as a whole has become more peaceful statistically speaking. (I'm talking about the entire history, 6-15 thousand years ago.) Also, you should take a look at Elizabeth queen of England or Cleopatra. They were just as warlike as any man. War is a very primitive way to solve a problem. But it is changing. The more people understand the world in a holistic fashion, the more war will fad away. It's human conciseness and how people perceive the world, not gender.  

  21. Actually according to US News and BBC News, women are becoming more violent than men in the past 10-15 years.  

  22. well...the race would die, but before that happens, yes i think if women ruled the world, there would be no wars. we don't have that aggressive gene and women that do have it learned it from men. girls are VERBALLY mean, not really violently mean

  23. Just regarding your comment " dont see women starting wars anywhere" check the british ex pm Thatcher she initiated the faulkland war.

  24. Yes, because the hatred would never stop.  Women are just as hateful than Men, and the take longer to get over it too.

  25. You obviously have never met an Australian woman. I'd rather fight a rabid mongol horde than an Australian women's hockey team, they have no mercy.

  26. i dunno usually guys r the war starters but with no guys girls would get pretty angry. not 2 mention their wouldnt b anymore people once the last girl died!

  27. at first I want to say the woman equal to man. and I want to add the woman was a reason for many wars so you have to read the history to be aware of that. as  hate  is found in a man is found in woman too. and the first sin was made by Eve. and first human Blood spelt on the land was for a woman.So woman as a man both they are responsible for what happens in the earth.

  28. Violence is a fact of life.  Some of the most violent jails are all women jails.

    You are very delusional if you think that a women dominated society would be violence free.  


    Edit:  "I don't see woman starting wars anywhere".

    Ever hear of the Queens of England, France, Spain?

    Ever hear of Margaret Thatcher.  They all started wars.  And if other woman get in power, they will start wars too.

  29. Don't be so silly, my dear girl. Let me patronise you: the most vicious creatures of ll are of the female gender, especially towards one another. And their husbands. Men do not 'wander' for any other reason than being trapped by a bitchy woman.  

  30. It isn't just boys that cause hatred. Men confront thier problems face to face whereas women ***** behind each others backs, spread horrible rumors and pretend nothing is going on. If women ran the world, we'd still be looking for the wheel.

  31. Yep there would still be wars. Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth the first, the Celtic warrior Queen Boadicea against the Romans.

    The list of women fighting can go on and on if you research it, but you get the point. The female is not above lowering herself to the level of a man.

    Aside from that, if there were no men the women would start wars for what men are left. Trust me, the female instincts to procreate outweighs d**n near everything else and to h**l with what anyone else would have to say about it. Those women would demand a war just to get the men back!

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