
If women reckon they are such good drivers, why are there none in F.1 racing?

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If women reckon they are such good drivers, why are there none in F.1 racing?




  1. because the mirrors are too small to put their make up on

  2. coz women are smart enough not to drive awesum cars at 100/200 km an hour and then end up dead or paralyzd...they are just too smart for that lol


  3. There are some sports that men are better than women, just because in general they are stronger.

    There are many sports that strength is not important, such as snooker, so the same question arises.

    I think the answer is that a lot of these sports have been dominated for so long by men, it will take time for women to catch up, but I know no reason why they shouldn't one day.

  4. i think that if a women wants to drive in F1 she can do that, but some people don't like it. however i think it would be better if there was a F1 where there are both women and men that work together

  5. Because women GENERALLY are not as strong. I say generally because women certainly have the potential to be a formula 1 driver, but there is still sexism everywhere, look anywhere, governments, sports, businesses... I could go on.

    Oh and will everybody stop it with all of the stupid sexist comments about make-up and stuff, I'm usually against all the political incorrectness c**p, but I really hope that someone arrests you.

  6. there used to be - a petite lady called Lella Lombardi,raced in Formula 3 and (briefly in Formula 1) in the 1970`s with some success.And lady racers were quite common in top flight competition in the 1920`s and 1930`s...

    today,its mainly due to subconscious sexism,and stubborness on the part of team owners....

  7. Being a good driver isn't just about driving at really high speed and Maybe because men have such big egos that they feel macho when behind the wheel of a car!!

  8. if anyone drove like a formula one driver on the average road it would not only be dangerous it would be unwise around other drivers, pedestrians, ect i guess women in general are more safety conscious on the road try another pathetic insult little boy i recall that sterling moss a formula one driver from the past had plenty of penalties against him for ordinary road use once again let  it be said cars and the are not toys to play with the car used in the wrong way can kill perhaps more women know this

  9. A interesting question, since there have been a few exceptions to the general rule. There was a lady called Devina Gelica who drove F1, but she was perhaps no better than average and never really made the top grade. That stated, she must have been good to even get into F1.

    Switch to top-level car-rallying, and the situation was a little different just a few years ago, when Michelle Mouton drove for Audi. Not only was she extremely quick, she seemed to have the physical stamina for what is a very physically demanding sport. She was often right at the level of the very best male drivers such as Hannu Mikolla and Walter Rohrl.

    Before Michelle Moutin, there had been other very good lady rally drivers, such as Pat Moss (the sister of Stirling Moss) and Rosemary Smith, who won at least one international rally.

    Of course, the more aggressive feminists will claim that motor-sport excludes women because it is dominated by men, but in less well-known forms of motor-sport, those barriers do not exist (if ever they did), and yet very few women shine as front runners.

    It isn't just F1 or motor-sport of course.  Other sports have special female categories; largely due to the imbalance of power between men and women, but even when this is not a factor, other activities favour men over women every time. There are very few good women composers of music for instance, and even fine-art painting is very much a man's world. Women do, without doubt, match men in such things as literature, journalism and even politics.

    Whatever the reason, there seems to be some hidden obstacle to female excellence in certain pursuits, and perhaps we have to accept the evidence, which points towards ladies as being less good at motor-sport than men.

    The only thing is, I watched Michelle Mouton in action, and I know it's not impossible by any means. She was one very capable lady driver.

  10. Men have quicker reaction times and better navigation skills. This not sexist, it's a scientific fact achieved through thousands of years of evolution. Modern western society tries to make out the genders are the same, which is absolute nonsense. Women are superior communicators for the same reason.

  11. someone has to be responsible and stick around for the kids and F1 racing doesn't come without high risk of injury or death.

  12. Check this out Stirling Moss never passed his driving test but was good at F.1 racing he did pass his driving test some years later eventually.

  13. Wouldn't want to show the old boys up. Seriously though, have followed this up with interest, as I am an avid fan of cars, not essentially formula 1, cos it bores me, but have discovered that women don't race in formula 1 because the cars (especially the older ones) are built for men in terms of physical measurements. Leg length, power steering gear shift etc. You don't see women on the horse racing circuits or in big football matches either. Maybe women just feel its best left to the blokes. I can't speak for other women, but I have better things to spend my time and money on.

    Just an additonal comment. Some of the best rally drivers in the world are female, which puts paid to the (scientific) theory about reaction time and sense of direction.

  14. They won't fit into the COCKPIT...........

  15. Our b***s are too big, well mine are anyway!

    Well in answer to that question - if men are such good drivers then why did an idiot male driver reverse into my car yesterday!!!

    PS, there have been 5 women F1 drivers to date.

  16. If NASCAR drivers reckon they are such good drivers, why are there none in F1 racing?   It's competitveness.   You have to earn your spot in F1.  I'm sure if any of the teams thought there was a woman out there who could race in the series, she would be signed.   Just think about how many race drivers there are versus the number of seats available.

  17. I, for one, have a higher sense of self preservation! I have a family to look after and a home to run as well as my own business.

  18. maybe for the same reason MPs and the cabinet were all men.

    Men do not like women in their midst if it means they will be shown for the pathetic little worms that they are but remember this fact behind every great man is an even greater woman.

    Watch men at work ANY work and you will see how incompetent they are, they can only do one job at a time,they cannot think and do at the same time. mind you men do have their uses,let me have some time to think what they are.

    Oh yes the other thing they can't take is criticism watch how many jump to reply negatively to my comments ----point proven!!!

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