
If women started calling each other "C" word like blacks throw around the "n" word, would they find the c word

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less offensive???

Would it be empowering?





  1. It's not offensive - all it shows is that the loser using it is an inferioir pathetic little t**d on the bottom of my shoe. Yep that's empowering enough!

  2. It's one of the worst curse words ever.

  3. What! Are you for real, that word is sooo far beyond offensive that there is no way that it could be normalized. The word should removed form the English language. But some men are absolute pigs literally, oh well.

  4. Absolutely, I like the way you think.

  5. First of all, not all black people throw around the "n" word.  I'm half black and half white, and I don't talk like that.  I was raised with some sense.

    Secondly, I don't find the "c" word more offensive than any other cuss word.  It's just another cuss word, and I find no reason to take such greater offense to it.  That would be like men freaking out because people use the word "d*ck".  Get over it.

    edit:  Better said would be, I don't take more offense to it than any other cuss word.

  6. My friends always already refer to each other (jokingly) as b*****s and s***s, so **** isn't that far from reality. It's called "reclamation" of a word.

  7. I am black and I still think the n word insulting coming from black people.

  8. I don't even think it's all that bad of a word. I don't remember ever calling a girl that but I call guys c***s whenever they act like one.

  9. Both bad!

    A "C'  is wrong!

    t**t is better!

  10. No, it would be just as disgusting.

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