
If women travelled with their men would this solve the traffic density problem?

by Guest33883  |  earlier

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that would halve the number of cars on the road wouldn't it? Women used to travel as passengers in their husband's car. But carbon footprints being what they are, wouldn't it help the environment and the traffic problem if they went back to travelling that way?




  1. im guessing it's hard for you to keep a girl, or your divorced, got a crappy job, and physically unattractive bc if your ignorant enough to ask this question your too stupid to comprehend that traffic density problems have to do with that

  2. I think it would make more sense if people working in the same place did more car-pooling.  Nothing to do with husband/wife, unless they work in the same place and have the same hours.

    But since you ask, husbands could also travel in their wife's cars?  Just a thought.

  3. Is this about independent women or the number of vehicles on the road? What about all the foreigners this c**p Government has let in that are currently driving on foreign licences, some without tax, insurance and MOT? What evidence have you, other than the hype, that halving the vehicles on the road would make a significant impact on the carbon footprint? If the Government were really concerned about the environment they'd pay for everyone to have solar panels, and invest in a reliable and efficient public transport system.

  4. I am already practicing this with my woman. She will do whatever it takes for me to go green.

    It's also nice because she can attend to my needs whenever I see fit.

  5. Sure and i think you could also use the rest of your brain.

    Sexist pig

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