
If wool shrinks when it gets wet, why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

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I pass a sheep farm on my way back and forth to work, and I've seen them out when it's sprinkling, so I know they don't just go hide in the barn.




  1.  Natural Wool is Coated with Lanolin (thats why its called WOOL FAT).  Lanolin is Waterproof.  Wool absorbs about 70-75 Percent of its own weight before it becomes Really wet or saturated ... try filling a tub with water and placing a Woolen Sweater or on top of the water and see how long it floats ... then get a dry one and place it on top of the water and push it under and then pull it out and see how wet it is ... or is not.  Anyway, the Lanolin also helps the shhep stay Dry .... als Wool on Sheep is in its natural State ... Not Yarn that is Spun from Wool.

  2. Someone said Because its Cold water ..... LMAO ... Cold Water Washing clothes Can Shrink them Too, but its actually mostly The Heat from The Sun or Clothes dryer that Shrinks them.  The Wool on The Sheep is in Its Natural State ... Woolen Clothes are made from Yarn which is Spun from Fibres.  During The process It Is Stretched, so when It is washed it Shrinks.

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