
If world hunger were to end, do you think that the USA would be the last one to end it?

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because a lot of people are always donating to people

in different countries but never in the USA. we do have

hungry and homeless people here, too.




  1. That's a good point.  I think though you need to look at it in terms of degree.  In the US we may have a 10-20% hungry/homeless rate.  Where in other countries, we'd be looking at a 50-70% hungry/homeless.  While I'm not in the relief business, I can see that by feeding the starving in other countries, we want to promote stability & help their governments find a way to resolve the problem.  And usually having allies, means fewer countries that will attack us in the future.  

    We also have many relief agencies here through churches & other agencies to provide shelter & food to those in need.  My concern however, is that once some people take advantage of this assistance, they find it much easier to live a life of panhandling & homelessness.  

    My brother in law is like that.  He lives at a shelter where he gets a bed to sleep on, &  a morning & evening meal.  During the day he panhandles for change, & when he has enough, he buys a bottle of booze.    

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