
If world records keep falling, wouldnt there be a time where that record is the limit?

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I mean you cant run a 100 metre in 5 secs. maybe an indefinite no. of years from now, we have someone who runs sub 9.5 s. So will there be a time where the fastest time IS the fastest time and it WOULDNT be humanly possible to run any faster?




  1. maybe...but that time maybe a long time from now...note: EVERYONE doesn't win the record...they may win the race but not the record so it may be 20 years from now before someone beats the 20 years there maybe some special shoes or a running suit or something that cuts your time by that .10 of a second it takes to win.  who knows

  2. never say never... we could start engineering Super athlete's in the future

  3. Yes, but we will never know when we have reached that point because there will always be the potential for someone to break it.

  4. It's not likely that we'll see anyone run 9.5 seconds in a 100m race, but you never know. There's a lot that goes into getting a fast time - one critical area that gets mostly forgotten is reaction time. IF two sprinters with identical speeds run against each other but one has a faster reaction time out of the blocks, he/she will win the race. It's that combination of reaction time after the gun and speed that makes the difference for many athletes in sprint. But for persons like Usain Bolt, it's just the gift of pure speed. He didn't have the fastest reaction time but he still broke the 100m record - pure speed.

    One of Bolt's main advantages is that he's tall, well over 6 feet. Normally tall people have an advantage but only up to a certain height; Bolt has the speed and the leg length advantage in his corner. And he can go faster if he wants to.

    I think there will come a time when records will not not be broken but instead will be equaled over and over again for decades - that's when we will know we've reached the limit. It would then literally take a freak of nature to break it. But then again there's no guarantee that this rare freak of nature will be taking part in that sport in the first place.

    Then there's the issue of evolution - we may be evolving into slower creatures but not even know it. We use cars now more than ever and we really don't know what impact our current lifestyles will have on genes in the future. If people get shorter in stature, for instance, the Olympic records that require a height advantage will remain unbroken, while those that require a shorter stature will be broken. Only time will tell.  

  5. When it gets to that point they will break it down to Thousandths or less of a second.Lots of room for improvement then.

  6. You do Know that people dont beat 100m records by seconds only by like 1 hundredth of a second.... and not at every olympics does the records go... its a record for a reason... not many people can break it

  7. Records will alway be broken.  They may stand for 20 years or so, then some superhuman athlete comes along and breaks it...thats the nature of competition.

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