
If yanks are serious about climate change why dont they use solar powered electric chairs to fry?

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thier criminals, best answer wins a crisp £4 note and an incredible 3 week self catering camping holiday for 5 in fabulous PAKISTAN!! (flights not included)




  1. Haha that would be funny , it would take about three weeks !

    You could do it outside in a stadium have a big crowd , beer , hotdogs

    The texans would love it !  

  2. Bravo!  Nice touch!  Firm...yet environmentally correct.

    I'll kick that idea upstairs.

    OH!  Thanks for the holiday.  We have quite a few condo's up a little north.  It's a popular vacation spot for some of our young people.  You know...a little camping...a little fresh air.

    Great idea on the chair!

  3. I heard that on comedy channel about a year ago, that the "Alabama environmentalists were advocating a solar powered electric chair."

    As silly as it seems, I have no doubt the sun could generate the power to zap'em quickly.

  4. can I have a crisp £5 instead?

  5. I don't believe in Climate Change, it is one big con to fleece us of more taxes.

    They recently found shipping charts from mariners over 200 years ago, and the weather was just as c**p and unpredictable then as per their recordings.

    Can hardly blame cars, planes, industries for that.

  6. Well, most of the left-wing politicians here don't really want it, they just want to make it look like they are doing something.  

    Also BTW, they keep pointing to EUROPEANS and ASIANS as the "guides" to follow in its maybe YOUR fault for their stupidity????

    As for the solar powered electric chair... if its to fry murderers, drug dealers and rapists, then I'm all for it... it should take several days for them to die.

  7. Isn't gravity (hanging) more economical?

  8. Use of the chair has fallen rapidly in recent years as more states have switched to lethal injection as their primary or sole method of execution.    Only a handful of states now retain electrocution as a option, and there is just one state which still has it as its sole method.

    However, from a technical point of view, the amount of power used isn't all that great compared to overall energy consumption.   Let's take some generous figures and assume three 30-second jolts at 2400 volts, each of which results in a current of 10 amps.  That's 24kW of power, and we'll add another 10% for conversion losses in the equipment and call it 26.4kW.   For 90 seconds in total, that works out to 0.66kW/hr. of electricity -- The same amount of energy it would take to keep a 100-watt lamp lit for approx. 6-1/2 hours, or to run a one-bar electric heater (1kW) for about 40 minutes.    And that's being VERY liberal with the initial figures, since in practice the current will average considerably less than 10 amps, the initial voltage is often lower than 2400V, and on many systems the voltage is automatically dropped back to a few hundred volts after the first few seconds.   On average, we're probably looking more along the lines of the same amount of power it would take to run a 100W lightbulb for a couple of hours.   Installating solar panels for that amount of power to be used just a few times a year would be quite impractical.

    Solar panels aren't yet QUITE as "green" as many people seem to believe anyway.   Efficiency is improving gradually, but we're still only just about reaching the point where for the largest PV panels the energy one can expect to gather during their useful life equals the amount of energy expended in their manufacture (the firing of the silica base to make the cells requires huge amounts of heat).

  9. If they were serious about the subject they would adopt renewable energy to supply all their energy requirements.

    Furthermore, they would encourage and assist the rest of the world to follow their lead but unfortunately with people such as George Bush and friends in the oil industry pulling the strings this will never happen.

    This also applies to the main point of the question.

  10. Not effective enough , and not usable in winter or night.

    The only energy I,ve ever needed to accomplish this is a breakfast burrito and a cup o' joe.

  11. Their approach is the voluntary commitment as they have a psychosis about being controlled by the rest of the world (btw when they controlle the world, then it is ok).

    So what is a voluntary commitment from the US?

    It basically consists in saying they will achieve an unsubstantiated result in an unknown timeframe.

  12. too slow

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