
If you're 18 with a driver's permit do you need to drive with someone thats 21 or can they be 18?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Minnesota




  1. You didn't say what state you live in, but I would call the DMV and check before you do any driving.

  2. not in my state. you should check on your state's website, or let us know what state you're in. either the guy above me is wrong or this is the kind of thing that varies.

  3. It doesn't matter on age, you have to drive with someone that has had their G for at least 4 years

  4. they have to have had there licence for four years

  5. I think you need someone who is 21. But ask your dmv, it could be different for your state.

  6. Some people answer your question with their socks in their mouths, I guess they are in it for the points.  The exception is the poster just ahead of me, who,like me, exhibited  intelligence in seeking out the right answer.

    All one had to do was look at the DMV website for Minnesota, and see "With the permit, you may drive under the supervision of any licensed driver that is at least 21. If you're under 18, you must wear your seat belt. And, cell phone use while driving is not permitted for all permit drivers."

    Those over 18 have to hold the permit for a minimum of 3 months before applying for the driver licence.  Under 18, by the way, you have to hold the permit for 6 months minimum.

  7. In New Jersey, it doesn't depend on the age. It depends on how long your supervising person has had their NJ license.

  8. From the web page.


    Permit holder may drive under the supervision of a certified driving instructor, parent or guardian, or other licensed driver 21 years of age or older.

    Now, the rest of you claiming it doesn't matter, or that 18 is okay, please don't answer unless you know.  Okay?

  9. the permit is good for driving yourself but im not sure if you can after a certain time??

  10. In the UK, if you havn't passed your test yet but have your provisional, I think the person driving with you has to have been driving for over 3 years? Not sure if that is the same for where you live.

  11. as long as they have a license, it doesnt matter.

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