
If you're a beginner at drawing....?

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is it okay if you practise on end for hours a day? like 8? (because u want to anyway)...or should you take it slower?




  1. Well, from what I've seen, when artists experiment by drawing even up to 15 minutes or more a day for a month straight they seem to improve.

    However, it's my belief that there really can be too much of a good thing.  Don't wear yourself out to the point where you don't ever want to draw again.  But besides that, it takes me several hours to get a full picture done, so a few hours of straight drawing is long as it's not cutting into my homework or social life. xD

  2. I feel like drawing is like writing, you have to be in the mood to draw.

    If you really enjoy drawing for eight hours a day, then keep drawing!

    Practice makes perfect, just don't take the fun out of beginning to draw.

    Good luck!

  3. If you like it why would you stop? If you consider yourself to be a beginner and know you can do better, the only way youre going to get there is if you do it.  I promise you, you're not going to wake up one morning and suddenly be the next Picaso with out putting in a little time.  Keep it up.  

  4. just make sure you don't wear yourself out and that you still have time for other things e.i friends family hobbies school/college if you go, maybe 8 hours a day is a bit much...that's about the average that i work on my art (sometimes more if I'm working on a final piece) when i'm at college and it does start to feel like a chore after a while, but it's whatever works for you, if you want to draw for 8 hours then do it.

  5. there s no perfect recipe for everyone, do you think Da Vinci or Michelangelo thought that there is too much drawing?

    its what your soul wants, if you really wanna draw then you wont be asking this question, and you ll forget how many hours you ve spent drawing each time.


  6. Why take it slow? I say do as much as you can.  All it is is practice, and that will lead you to making much better drawings.  It is also good practice for getting your creative juices flowing.

  7. no, you should take it slower. an hour a day or could be even 15 dont want to stress yourself.  you have to enjoy what you are doing.dont do it for the sake of it. draw something you like drawing. you will then soon get the hang of it. it will automatically.

  8. Draw when you want to draw, and stop when you want to stop. There's no such thing as too much, so long as you don't burn yourself out - never MAKE yourself draw (unless you are a professional and have to do it for work, of course) and watch for yourself getting bored of it if you are doing it that much.

    But if you are enjoying the process the entire time, go for it! I wish I had that much motivation!  

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