
If you're a girl and I'm sitting across from you at a computer desk?

by  |  earlier

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and we both have computers and I actually think you're cute, what kind of body signals would let you know that I'm into you?

And even harder for you to answer.. what would make you enjoy talking to me?

I know it may be difficult to answer a "girl-is-the-prize" framed question, but in actuality, we do need to do the pursuing.

Is it alot of attention that turns you on? Hahahaha!

So funny to be asking a question like this!




  1. staring and smiling a lot. but not the creepy stare and creepy smile. then, i mean, just start talking to me and i'd def get the hint.

    hope i helped.


  2. Just keep looking at the girl everyonce in awhile but not in a stalker way. Everytime she looks at you because you're looking, don't look away, do a cute smile or something.

  3. raise eyebrow... hehe!!! or just look away...

    (i dont know how to flirt.. lol and i think flirting will only make guys turn off to you)

  4. Eye contact and friendly smiles are a good place to start. I'd enjoy talking to you if you were friendly, sincere and respectful.

    Good luck

  5. looking deep into my eyes when conversing, brushing your hand against mine, paying close attention to everything i say, taking the time to do small talk when passing by my desk, smiling, staring in a friendly, non-stalkerish way...

  6. I would slap your face and walk away.

  7. If you were to stare at me a lot then I would probably get the hint. Try not to be creepy though. ;D And if you were able to keep the conversation going and say things that are interesting and sound like you have an interesting personality, then I would enjoy talking to you. This is coming from one girl though.  

  8. Well if you sit opposite me the our computers would hide each other from view..well you could always say.. ''hey.. you, what's your email address.. and then maybe I would tell you.. and then if you wrote to me.. and told me. ''Computer Nr 2 to computer nr. 4 .. ''I think I love you'' then I guess that would show me you have a sense of humor and that you may like me and for that reason I would talk to you...

  9. if you havnt talked to her before, say a cute pick up line, thats funny. my favorite is

    "how much does a polar bear weigh?"

    "i dont know"- girl

    "enough to break the ice! hey, im (insert your name here)"

    and dont forget to smile

    i like talking to guys who just come and sit down and talk to me, even if i dont know them, just dont be shy, and be nice, and funny.

    dont bring all your friends over either, have it be just you. and make eye contact, and compliment her. nothing like, you have amazing eyes, just yet. something simple like, i like your shirt, or shoes, or hair clip or something. it lets her know your interested.

    but after you go sit by her, dont go sit next to another girl. it will make her wonder if you were just being friendly to her.

    too much attention is a turn-off. little things like compliments every once in a while, and walking past her desk and flicking her hair lightly when you walk past it is good attention that she will like. and when she raises her hand to talk, look at her, not across the room, and actually listen to her talking.

    also, you could write her a note saying "hi" with a smiley face, and drop it on her desk as you walk by.

    girls like cute things like that.

    good luck =)


  10. well bye asking if you could im her then write your beautiful      simple!

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