
If you're a non-white couple, can you adopt white kids?

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From the families that I've seen that adopt, non-white couples tend to adopt kids of their own ethnicity but white couples have white kids as well as kids of different ethnicities. Is this a preference or is there some sort of racial discrimination in adoptive procedures?




  1. yes, but the kid may not like it, because then everyone will know that they are adopted, and they might feel uncomfortable if too many people know.

  2. Ya you can adopt any kid you want if they acept you to adopt!

  3. Each race has a tendency to adopt a child of their own backgrounds.  In the white race, there are much fewer babies placed, therefore it's a supply and demand issue, where they adopt other races in some cases, when they can't adopt their own.  There are so many placements of other races, that if you are ready for a child immediately, you can get a child of another race immediately it seems (after the paperwork processes and courses, etc.).  I do know of people of other races through both private and foster to adopt that have adopted white children.  I've talked with social workers, and most families, both white, black, asian, and indian, prefer to adopt kids that look like them and have their similar backgrounds to their culture.  As a rule, other ethnic adoptions just don't happen as often, no matter what the race.  There just aren't as many black, asian, and indian parents adopting as their are kids placed in foster care (mostly black and bi-racial).

  4. yes.this is America

  5. i think these days, in the uk anyway, it doesnt make a different what race you/ the child is. they allow g*y couples to adopt, so i dont think there would be any prejudice. however if the child is particularly insecure the adoption services may feel that its best to place the child with a family that has a certain type of background.

    good luck, i hope it all goes well for you.

  6. yeah non white couples can adopt any child they want to. no matter what race.

    maybe the adoptive couple just really likes the baby so they adopt it and they dont care about race. or maybe they do and they only want kids of their own race. you never know.

  7. The only time that race is used as a qualifying factor in adoption is for Native American children in the Indian Child Welfare Act.  There are some provisions about non-Native Americans adopting Native American children, but it is very regulated.

    Otherwise, any race can adopt from any other race.

  8. yes, of course you can.

    perhaps white couple are more open to adopting different cultures from their own...who knows?

    the only one i know, is that a couple can foster but not adopt a native american child unless they are native american themselves...

  9. Yes of course, I just read an article a black football player and his wife recently adopted a white baby girl.   Though there are fewer minorities who adopt white babies/kids.  Also take into fact that whites make up the majority of adoptive parents, so they are adopting far more then any minority group.

  10. yes u can its just cause they adopt kids of their own race caue it helps look more natural  like their not adopted.

  11. Yes, you can. Race doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What matters is that you love and treat the children, whether they are adopted or biological, equitably in all matters.

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