
If you're a sole trader, do you have to use your name as the business name?

by  |  earlier

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In the UK.




  1. No!  You can use whatever trading name you like providing it doesn't look or sound like any existing trade name already in use.

  2. You don't have to use your own name, I trade legally as a sole trader without using my own name.

    Check out the link in my source list for more info.

  3. No, but you may consider registering your business as a DBA (doing business as) at your county register.

  4. i dont think so, but you could use it as part of the name if you wanted to make the name more interesting

  5. You can use whatever name you choose as long as its not offensive or the same as any other business in your area.

  6. Absolutely not, You can use any name as long it is not already in use.  For instance on your accounts it would read Joe Bloggs t/a Street Lighting Co.,.  But Street Lighting Co is what you would use on vans, websites etc

  7. When you trade you have to use your name to get payment by the bank check / bank transfer / payment system / etc.

    But when you trade on the market by cash you can use some business name too.

    There are some name restrictions.Any name that is similar to an existing company and many others.

    For example, I am a PC game distributor and sell video game on-line. I used my name as my business name.

  8. Since you didn't specify what country you are in I am going to take the liberty of assuming you are in the US.

    No you can register with the Secretary of State you wish to be based in as (depending on the state) a DBA (Doing Business As) or T/A (Trading As).

    For example in Pennsylvania, the state I live in, you would register with the state as John Smith T/A XYZ Specialties.  You then have to publish a notice in a paper of record 3 times and thereafter you need not use your name.

    Hope this helps


  9. Yes, unless you have a reason why you should be shielded from scrutiny.   .    Do you have a reason.  .

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