
If you're a vegetarian is it okay to eat chicken flavored things?

by  |  earlier

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my friend wants me to become a vegetarian, and i agreed to try. so i was just wondering if i could eat chicken flavored things, like chicken flavored ramen, or something. i know it's probably really up to me, but i can think up a couple reasons not to, but also to do it. just asking for opinions here. thanks.




  1. No,you are not a vegetarian.

    Not yet.

    If and when you become one,the question will be null and void.

    I cannot eat "chicken-flavored ramen",and neither will you,when ,and if you truly convert

    For now,have it,if you so desire.

  2. alot of chicken flavored things contain chicken fat so i don't think you would really be considered a vegetarian if u did.

  3. A true vegetarian would not eat any meat flavorings at all.

  4. If you're a vegetarian, you wouldn't want to.

  5. its really your decision but your really not supposted to

    im a vegatarian too it really easy just so ya kno lol

    but what you could do is make  noodles an use vegetarian chicken boullion cubes (its imatation chicken 100% vegetarian you should be able to find it at your local store)

    so itll feel like your eating ramen... but your not buying it and wasteing the packet :)

  6. no, just eat chicken.

  7. Well, you would not be a vegetarian if you ate "chicken flavored" things as they are typically flavored with chicken which clearly is a meat.

    Furthermore, you are going to be making a mistake to "become" vegetarian for any other reason but a very personal conviction you have around your diet. For instance, if you try to quit drinking for your friend, you wont. You will not have the personal conviction to do it. This decision is personal... uh, have I been redundant enough? lol

    Good Luck!

  8. Yeah, as long as they don't contain like chicken broth. I mean, you could, but then you wouldn't really be a total vegetarian. It's fine to eat meat-flavored foods though.

  9. I'm a vegetarian and all "vegetarian" means is that you don't eat animal meat and meat products.  Only veggies.  

    "flavor" is not a meat product.  so you can eat it  (me and most other vegetarians..wait, all vegetarians I know, are cool with flavorings).

    However, "chicken ramen" usually has chicken stock in it.  I find it quite hard to find cheap soups without chicken stock.  chicken stock is a meat based product, so most vegetarians don't eat it.

    There are quite a few vegetarian soups out there, so if you want soup, you can do it.  

    Also keep in mind there are a lot of "meat" things made from soy burgers, tofurky, etc. etc.... those are things made from vegetables, to look and taste like meat.  Those are A-Okay!

    So yea, it basically comes down to always reading ingredients, and keeping an eye out for Meat Based things (like stock).

    Good luck :-)

  10. yeah!

  11. On walker chicken flavoured crisps it says it is sutible for vegetarians so this must show that you can get food which tastes of chicken but really isnt.

  12. check the ingrdients as it may have chicken fat in it

  13. chicken flavored ramen has chicken fat in it. Most animal 'flavored' products have some sort of lard, skin, enzyme, or whatever from the animal it is flavored like.

    So to be sure just read labels it's easy. and If you can't pronounce it don't eat it.

  14. im not a vegetarian but i am catholic and during lent we cannot eat meat and i was not allowed to eat chicken ramen because the flavoring has chicken powder in it.  

    like you said, its really up to you, but if you want to be technical acbout it, check the ingrediants to see if it is just flavoring or if there is really chicken in it.

  15. As long as the flavour is artificial and not made with actual chicken or animal ingredients, it's ok.

  16. you of course can do whatever your comfortable with, but no you would not be considered a vegetarian.  chicken flavor is still chicken... usually fat of chicken.... so a vegetarian wouldn't eat that.  

    but take your time if you want to go veg, you don't need to go "cold turkey" over night.  that might be a way for you to phase out meat... do whatever works for you.  you just might confuse poeple to say your veg and still eat chicken products so don't use that until your all the way there.

    good luck!

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