
If you're a young adult or an adult of any age...?

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...have you ever experienced times when you felt so sick of some people treating you like a kid, that you started behaving aggressive (NOT physically!) towards them, in the hopes that it would prove you were not a little kid anymore?

I'm talking about people who have known you all your life, ever since you were a kid.

For example, I'm 24 years old, yet many of my older family members and old friends of my parents still treat me like a child, even though I am fully-grown, mature and act my age. At the beginning, I thought they would eventually begin treating me like another adult, but as time went on, I realised they would never stop treating me like a child, no matter how grown up, good mannered and respectable I came across. So, whenever people visit the house or we visit others, I behave very serious and sometimes, come across as aggressive, not because I wish to hurt anyone, but simply because I wish for people to see that I'm serious about being treated like an adult. It seems to have worked on some people, which is a great relief.

I just wondered if other young or older adults have had to deal with anything similar to this?




  1. Yes.  I know exactly what you mean.  I'm 26, married, just had a baby, but my sister and brother in law (who are 40) still treat me like a child.  It makes me get all defensive and perhaps, aggressive, and so I end up acting childish!  I hate it.  I've been a teacher for 5 years.  The same sister has been a teacher for 15 and she still doesn't think I'm like, a "real teacher."  The brother in law CONSTANTLY brings up embarrassing things I did when I was like 13 or 14 like every time he sees me, as if to knock me back down. It's one of the biggest struggles I face with my favmily.  What works best for me is just tryinhg to be confident with myself and my "adulthood" because if I try to act like something I'm not to prove I'm an adult, I end up coming off immature.  Good luck.  

  2. Your behaving aggressively will only strengthen the belief that you are immature.  If you want to be taken seriously that will just take time.  Everyone has to pay their dues.  Why would it be any different for you?  Your anger on this subject tells me that you are seriously immature still.  An adult would be able to take this in stride, knowing that with time, after you've "proven" yourself, others will see that you've grown up.

    Patience is a virtue of the mature.  Your aggression just underscores the fact that you can't "handle" yourself in an adult fashion.

  3. The funny thing is that when you're the baby of the family, you'll always be the baby of the family.  

    The only thing you can do is be mature, act your age, and it will prove to them that you're not a child.  Ignore any comments they may make.  Focus on your goals and be productive, eventually they will come around to viewing you as an adult, and not the baby anymore.  Good luck hon.

  4. My husband is dealing with it still. His mom just can't seem to let him grow up. And it's actually really annoying!!

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