
If you're an Aussie?

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How proud are you to be an Aussie?. I am.




  1. Always was proud to be Australian, but it has slipped a bit when National Parks and Wildlife Services didn't give Colleen(baby humpback whale) a "fair go" and they stood around doing nothing rather than trying to help her.

    People I have faith in, bureaucrats, no.

  2. Never been prouder.

  3. Fairly proud best country in the free world!  

  4. Your country rocks, but it seriously needs to tell the US to bite a fat one.

  5. I'm  Canadian and australian and canada is way better than australia.


  6. I have a deep and passionate love for the land downunder- but I hate the flag waving "we are the best F the rest" scene.

  7. Why does a proud Aussie, have a picture of a German as his avatar? But I am Aussie, and yes, I am proud. We should secretly build masses of nuclear weapons with our vast supplies of Uranium, then nuke anyone who defies our superiority??? Sounds good?

  8. Definitely proud.

    Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi.


  9. I'm not down with chest beating jingoism I do not know why Aussies and Americans do this,  but it is a wonderful place and I'm partial to Sheilas and they are partial to guys with an "accent" yay!

    Legal system is a bit feminised though.... and Greer should be strung up. LOL

  10. Im not that patriotic. Australia is an oh to comfortable society, like any other land of the west.

  11. I'm bloody proud to be Australian, i wouldnt have it any other way. Even though I'm mixed race because I'm half filipino and half Australian.. I'm still proud to call Australia my home..

    Sydney born and raised :)

  12. I agree with "Faith isn't blind" - deep and passionate love for the land, but not keen on fanatical flag-waving.  Yes, I'm proud, but that doesn't make other countries inferior, just different.

  13. I am an Aussie, and certinaly not a proud one. We seriously need a cure for our over-patriotism.

    P.S. I'm not saying it's better in some other countries.

  14. Yep, I am!  Lived o/s for a while and couldn't wait to get back!  You don't realise how good it is here until you leave. All western countries have something similar but only to a degree ... here we have a true mix of everything. The best selection in foods, medical access (despite shortages), and still alot of open spaces to get away from it all .. and not too much stress or polution ... yes, we're very lucky.  

  15. Doesn't my nick say it

    My first account was suspended only to spawn the next generation !

  16. Yeah I am too but don't let it get to the level of the yanks ,

    and don't forget Australia is made up of a sh1tload of different races thats what makes me proudest  

  17. This is a great country, and I don't think it does the nation as a whole any harm to remind itself of how lucky we are to live here.

    If the governments of today could stop handing out welfare to some people that shouldn't need to claim it, and encourage the battler to get ahead by rewrding hard work with lower tax rates etc..  Then it would be even closer to perfect.

    I'm originally from England, but Australia is my home and I'm very proud of it!!
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