
If you're an environmentalist at heart, are we headed for doom in your opinion?

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If you're an environmentalist at heart, are we headed for doom in your opinion?




  1. No, it will bring about new and great opportunities for everyone and a heck of a lot of money to be made.

  2. Hello Sir

    I am an Environmentalist at heart and doing saving of Water/Petrol/Disel/Paper/Food/Metals etc.

    Also I am hating Plastic Bags which is Polluting our Air/Water  and spoiling health.

    I am running Cycle to save Petrol and keep my body fit.

    Today (03.02.08) African Country Rwanda & Gango faced Earthquake Problem.

    Now Earthquake become regular News and as Weather Report.

    You also save some thing as much as you save.

  3. sadly yes.. but hopefully no.. and so I am fighting on the hopefull side.. spreading info..

    doing my big..

    biggest thing that has to happen is laws to control population growth... without these we are doomed because more people = more problems.. even 1 kid is population growth becuase you are still alive.. people didnt live as long years ago.. died in child birth or kids died young...

  4. No. But we are headed for a rough time--and it will involve both problems dealing with the effects of global warming and it is going to result in a major realignment of economic and political power.

    >Climate change is going to cause shifts in water supply (e.g. in the American Southwest) that will require efficiencey and limited growth; coastal flooding will reqire abandoning some existing areas or protecting them with levees.  Shifts in climate will also reduce agricultural production in many areas.  We will HAVE to reduce overfishing--marine species are already being stressed by both warming of the oceans and by overfishing.

    Economic: I'll give two exampeles. One hs to do with the fishing. That is going to stop--even if no policy changes are made--for the simple reason we are running out of fish..  No fish--the companies that make a living off fishing go bankrupt. Simple as that.

    The other: as we implement efficient energy use (NOTE--I did NOT say reducing our standard of living; a car that is twice as efficient is jsut as useful as as a gass hog--it is jsut more efficient--and cheaper to operate, which helps consumers) and as we implement alternative energy systems ranging from wind to solar to renewed nuclear power, oil and coal will becomedeclining industries.  That's not going to hurt the economy--those new industries and lower energy costs will create new industries and new jbs.  But it will shift the balance of economic power and influence away from the handful of large oil companies and the network of coal and natural gas providers. That is--as I said--a major shift in the balance of economic power.

    Political: the existing "conservative" elements in the US made a drastic mistake in attempting to suppress global warming science. As it becomes more and more evideent to everyone that global warming is real--and serious--they will be further discredited. In addition, they depend on the very corporate elements that rely on the existing energy production system for much of their funding and support.   That's going to weaken them.  On the international front, the waning of oil as a key resource wil relegate the OPEC countries to the back burner. I hardly need to elaborate--that will ovbiously have a profound effect on te international balance of power and trade.

    A further note on the extent to which this is going to discredit the "neoconservative/religious right in the US.  They have spent 40 years embeddding the notion that "environmentalism" is a liberal issue in the consciousness of not onlly their own followers but in the rest of the American public and culture.  Now, the chickens are comig home to roost.  Had they not used unethical means--including things like the Bush administration censorship of scientists-they might have been able to divest themselves of theier anti-environmental image. As it is , they are stuck with it as surely as the 19th century slaveholders could not rid themselves of the stigma of their immoral behavior.  Nor is that any exaggeration: people are going to suffer and die because of the decade of delays engineered by the right wing--and they are not going to avoid taking the blame.  To a degree that's going to be unfair--there will be policy makers on the conservative side who are going to take the heat 20 years from now for what has/is being done by the current generation of neoconservatives. But that's jsut the way it is.

  5. No, we are just going to make it very uncomfortable and expensive for ourselves before we really learn the importance of the natural environment.

    I am sure that eventually we will learn and the earth and everything contained in it will benefit from us learning. Everything is interconnected, the Earth is a living system, we need to start to appreciate that fact now. We just don't know how much damage we can continue to do to that living system before it really starts to make it very difficult for us and other living things to survive.

  6. Entirely possible  However it's also entirely possible for us to take necessary measures to turn the bus around before it goes off the cliff.

    A lot depends on how much people are willing to change their thinking.  As Einstein said, you can't solve problems with the same kind of thinking that caused them.

        The real issue is of a spiritual nature, but that's a big subject to get into here.  I've been recommending a book or set of books that sheds some light on this. People only hear what they are ready to hear though.  

    The books I'm talking about are "Conversations With God" by Neale Donald Walsch.  Fundamentalists would have a particularly hard time with these books. I mention them here because I feel they are the kind of message the world needs to know about. The kind of leap in consciousness that would facilitate solving many of our problems are clearly delineated in them.  

      I also like the books by Fred Alan Wolf PhD, a theoretical physicist who writes about the similarities in the ideas of quantum physics with the ideas of the kind of "Perrenial Philosophy" (as Alan Watts put it) that enlightened sages and mystics and have been proclaiming for thousands of years and is still relevent today.

    If you think you know what reality is, these books have some surprises for you that may change how you see many issues.

    Wolf's books include:  

    "The Spiritual Universe"

    "The Dreaming Universe"

    "Taking the Quantum Leap"

    An older book on this subject is  "The Tao of Physics"    by  F. Capra

  7. No, sooner or later GOD will cull the herd.

  8. A milllion people a year are killed by cars.  We've been doomed a long time.

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