
If you're g*y and christian how does that work?

by  |  earlier

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Basically I blew up at the R&S section (I said sorry, I even used 5 points to say sorry and explain my actions) but it got me thinking, what are a g*y Christians views?




  1. There are a tonne of g*y friendly churches. This site may be helpful.

  2. I work with a g*y christian and he says that the g*y bashers are not real christians and have no clue about the real teachings of jesus

  3. Wouldnt you think a g*y Christians views are the same as a straight Christians views.  Each one has different views.

  4. it would need to be changed with counseling and help from above...God can do plenty if ppl are born again..

  5. 1-God loves us all.

    #2-A person cannot say they are christian if they are not willing to practice what the word of God says.

    #3-A persons sexual orientation is a personal choice, we were created in our physical form for a reason.

    #4-You cannot serve two masters.

    #5-I am sick and tired of people wanting to be christians and trying to subvert christianity because they are not willing to do what is necessary to become one.

    #5-Either pee or get off the pot, in other words. There are no g*y christians.

  6. Hm, don't really see what one has to do with the other.  You can't help your sexual orientation and anyway it has nothing to do with your belief in Christ.

  7. The same way it works if you are a thieving Christian, or a lying Christian, or an adulterous Christian

  8. I'm g*y for Jesus.

  9. i dont think that can work!

    become an atheist, we respect and support you :-)

  10. Step one: denial. "I'm not g*y, it's just a phase."

    Anger. "What'd I do? Why'd I have to be like this?"

    Bargaining. "God, please let me be straight, I'm trying so hard, I'm trying to live a totally virtuous life here, c'mon."

    Depression: "I can't change. Why did god make me this way? Is he trying to teach me something? Is there a way I can use this to help other people? I'll never have a family and my family's gonna be so upset."

    Acceptance: "However god made me, that's how he made me. I'll (live celibate, or live a virgin until commitment) and come out to my family and maybe adopt someday."


    Acceptance: "Y'know, my church'll never accept me, god clearly doesn't want me around, guess I'll go split and worship on my own."

  11. "Christian" can mean so many different things, (Lutheran, Baptist, Orthodox... etc.). But supposedly, the very basic Christian view is to be Christ-like and therefore, to love everyone equally, even your worst enemy who just hit you in the face. So technically, if you are REALLY a Christian, you have to treat homosexuals equally to everyone else, regardless of what the Old Testament says.

    There are LGST churches out there. And some church denominations are more liberal about homosexuality than others.

    Of course, one could always just stay in the closet.  

  12. No such thing.  Following Christ means turning from sin, not continuing in it.  God doesn't recognize an unrepentant sinner - of any kind.


  13. I sent you an IM, read it! :)

    I find no contradiction at all between being g*y and Christian.

    Just as I would be faithful, loving, passionate, s**y, caring and encouraging to a wife, so if I were with a man (long term boyfriend or husband) I would be faithful, loving, passionate, s**y, caring and encouraging to him!

    There is no difference at all.

    "Love your neighbor"

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

    "Love one another as I have loved you"

    It is all the same.

    Find a g*y-friendly church and rejoice in who God made you to be.

    By the way, the Scripture passages often misinterpreted to be against homosexuality are actually against the abduction of boys to be sexual slaves and prostitutes; against freed, Hebrew men being sexually dominated by other men; and against pagan, idolatrous temple prostitution such as was practiced by the worshipers of Cybele in Rome and Corinth.

    Those passages have *nothing* to do with a loving, faithful g*y couple!

    So anyway, it just "works" by being a person who loves God and who loves his boyfriend or her girlfriend.  It's that simple!

    P.S. -- The folk who ignorantly presume that God and the Bible are against g*y people are the kind of people who would have been quoting their Bibles 150 years ago to keep their slaves.  "After all, the Word says, 'Slaves, obey your masters'".  Duh.  Look at the historical context, folks.   And read Galatians 3:28 very carefully along with Genesis 1:27.  Get a clue.

  14. I don't know why tyme kitteth got a thumbs down, because he is correct, a sinful Christian is a sinful Christian, no matter what you've done.

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