
If you're going to act- do you need to be able to sing?

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I know it sounds a stupid question, but I love drama and theatre- and am often surrounded by (when doing drama) people my age (16) who are very talented and can sing etc etc. I am not like this, and feel that it holds me back. I have never had singing lessons, and am definitely up for doing so, but I am definitely not a natural singer either. I often see method actors who suddenly turn out to be amazing singers (Meryl Streep Mamma Mia for example) and so if you are going to have a stab at entering the craft is singing going to be something neccessary? I don't want to be a massive movie star, I just love the theatre and acting and would love it to be a strong part of my future. Theatre is my passion (to watch as well)- but I guess this is where singing is most important? If you do need singing- any tips on approaching the task or where to find teachers (northants, england)? Thank you :)




  1. no.  i can sing but i don't think that it is necessary to sing if you want to act.  most acting doesn't call for singing.  most shows on tv aren't musicals.

    probably you feel this way because you are in high school and the yearly musical is a big deal.  the "best singers" (yach) get picked for roles again and again. there are a lot of acting jobs out there.  even if you don't live in LA there are opportunities around. step out of the high school circle and join a local theater group and audition for commercials and small parts in movies. it's easier than you'd think and really fun.

  2. it helps,

    but it depends on what you want to act in.

    if your going for plays, and want to be on broadway, then you have no chance if you can't sing really really well.

    but if you want to be like a tv actor then you dont really have to sing.

  3. The reason that most trained stage actors can sing (of course there are exceptions) is that they have extensive training in the use of the voice. Projected speaking and singing are not all that different. That's why people like Meryl Streep can sing well even though we don't really think of them as singers.

    Actors who have exclusively television and movie experience usually don't have the same kind of training and thus can't usually sing unless it's something they've chosen to study. If you're interested in acting in plays (rather than musicals), not being able to sing won't necessarily hurt you, but you may find that taking singing/voice lessons will help with your acting.

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