
If you're great-great-grandparent was full indian than what does that make you?

by Guest57569  |  earlier

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If you're great-great-grandparent was full indian than what does that make you?




  1. Great-great grandparent--full

    Great grandparent--1/2




    In answer to your 3rd Great-Grandparent being full-blood: you would then only be 1/32 (or about like me--if I have a nosebleed, I'm out of the tribe. LOL)

  2. ok first of all its not indian its native american. I am a native. if this is the case your 1/16 native which isnt too much but might be able to get scholorships at some colleges

  3. well i guess ummm 25% indian but not sure u never stated ur other familly but thats pretty acurate

  4. If you have no other indian relatives the math comes to 1/16th Indian.  1/2 indian if your mom or dad was, 1/4 if your grand parent was, 1/8 if your great grandparent was, and....1/16th for great great :)

  5. You are 50% of each parent (assuming they are "full" anything).

    You are 25% of each grandparent, again, if they are full.

    You are 1/8th of each gr grandparent (fractions become easier as you go back).  Remember, you have 8 gr grandparents, and 16 gr gr grandparents.

    The only fly in your ointment is that there still are 15 other gr gr grandparents to consider.   All of those should be factored in.. since if there are 5 of those who are full blooded Native Americans, then you wind up with 5/16ths (plus whatever the rest of them happen to be).

    In reality, you normally will have several ancestors who have more than one background anyway.

    And of course, you are working with solid documentation, right?  If you are just taking someone's word for it.. you are barking up the wrong tree, anyway.

  6. 1/16th indian

    It breaks down like this..

    Great-great grandparent - full

    Great grandparent - half

    Grandparent - fourth

    Your parent -  eighth

    You - sixteenth

  7. Depends. If you wat exact awnsers,bring up the list of names, cultures and orgins. Then ill figure it out. Im very good with genealogy

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