
If you're home-schooled, do you still find friends?

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If you're home-schooled, do you still find friends?




  1. yes!

  2. Yes.

  3. Sure..unless you live in some remote part of Siberia.  Most of us have neighbors,  involved in clubs and civic organizations, part of homeschool groups,  etc.

    Even those in Siberia probably have a computer and internet access.   That's a great way to make friends for those who are not in human contact... and apparently there are a few of those people around because they are the ones that think that homeschoolers are hermits.

  4. Where you receive your education does not determine where you find, or meet friends.

    Friends are people who are attracted to you as a person, who like your company, and with whom you may have some things in common.

    You can meet "friends" at many different places; Church, youth groups, summer camps, clubs, sports events, your job, and so on.

  5. I was homeschooled for 12 years and I found all sorts of friends...even girlfriends!  There are other sources, especially from neighborhoods and charter schools.

  6. Yes, of course.  Our kids are normal kids, they like being around other kids, and they are out in society.  They just aren't schooled in a classroom, that's the only difference.

    I live in an area that has hundreds, possibly a few thousand, homeschool families; I only know a few that aren't terribly social (not all families are, homeschool or not), and even they still join in when they are in a group situation.  I teach at a local co op with well over 100 kids, and every week the kids - age preschool to 17 - are running around and playing together.  They are in community theater, sports (recreational and competitive), Scouts, church activities, volunteering, etc.  Many of the high schoolers also have jobs.  In all of this, they still have time to hang with their friends.

    Yes, homeschooled kids have friends, just like everyone else :-)

  7. I'm homeschooled and i have millions of friends...well maybe not millions but hundreds!! ok..maybe not hundreds, but heaps anyway!! I do lots of other things which is how i meet people, one of the most common questions people ask me is do you have any friends?? I normally can't answer i'm laughing too hard!! I have plenty of friends through other sorts of things i do.  I find that being homeschooled means i have more time to hang with friends actually.

  8. Well I wasn't born into homeschooling. I always did public school. But I just started homeschool about a month and some weeks ago. So i was very popular and had friends and whatnot but I was getting in too much trouble, so yes. You still have friends. You dont just meet friends at school(though it is easier), you meet them everywhere. You just have to be outgoing and friendly. :)

  9. Yes!Of course! Maybe not as easily as some people because your not at a school with other children, but you can do programs and everything! My bff is home schooled, and look, we're friends! She has lots more too!! :)

  10. Of course. I'm actually at my boyfriend's house right now, and believe it or not, he is in public school (or was at least. He graduated early).

  11. I am homeschooled and I have TONS OF FRIENDS, all the homeschoolers I know have TONS OF FRIENDS TOO. Maye even just has much has public schoolers.

  12. YES,  That is a biggest misconception of hm scled kids. If the parents join networks of hm scled familiys U gain alot of friendships. The more networks parents find the more ppl involved. Plus ur gonna find friends in ur neighborhoods.

  13. yes lots :) why wouldn't I?

  14. no

  15. Well of course! Have you only met friends in your school? If so, then you surely don't do enough outside your home... I am homeschooled and have plenty of friends between playing at the park, church, neighbors, soccer, work, hobbies, etc. My best friends currently were introduced to me at church, but later at public school.

  16. Yes.

    With over 6.5 billion people on the earth, you'd have to work hard NOT to have friends.

  17. Of course!!!!! What is important is that you are learning the way that is best for you. You will have friends either way, as long as you don't lock yourself up!

  18. Yes. I went to camps, joined bowling groups, and met other homeschool kids. I went to community college in the last two years of my high school for the subjects my mom couldn't teach, and got a feel for the people there and what friends I could make. Right now I have one good friend and a few 'minor' friends...I had tons of friends during the summer camp years, but they all drifted away. Strangely enough, what turned some girls off of being my friend was my love of horses, passion for science and lack of interest in boys and s*x and clothes :D

    Just because I didn't lean against a locker and chatter with a ton of peers doesn't mean I don't have friends.

  19. My wife has been homeschooling our two kids for two years. My son is 13 and my daughter is 9. She is involved with co-op groups. There are plenty of homeshoolers and it's growing. My wife has found a great group of friends that share concerns, ideas, and they set up play dates, field trips, and more. Most all of the kids they interact with don't have the same attitude you will find in some public schools. I mean you see older kids playing with younger kids and it's not about being cool or popular. No bullying either. They learn more in a shorter time and can advance as they master certain subjects. They do have friends and find new ones too.

  20. Well, as an adult I don't go to school. Yet, I have friends. Why would it be different for young people?

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