
If you're in law enforcement, how well does your department get along with the prosecutor's office?

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What do you feel that prosecutors could do to help you that they aren't doing? Are your local prosecutors arrogant or standoffish or too familiar?




  1. For the most part, our department gets along fairly well with the State's Attorney (our County prosecutor).  

    We get a little upset when they decline to prosecute someone we feel needs to go to jail or prison, and we get upset when we work hours building a case against someone only to have it "plea bargained" down to a lesser charge. (The conviction counts on the SA's record, regardless of whether it's a BS charge ot not.)

  2. My department gets along fairly well with our prosecutor's office.  Sure there are sometimes cases where I have arrested someone on a felony charge and the prosecutor's office plea bargains the charge to a misdemeanor.  But, hey that's life.  As long as I've done my job, it's all up to the prosecutor's office.  Yes, some deputy prosecutors are arrogant, as most lawyers are.  This is often the case when someone is reviewing your work and has all the time in the world to pick over your every action.  In the street, you do not have the luxury of time and must act quickly.  This is and will remain a constant battle between these two particular branches of government.

  3. you have to get along the majority of the time cause they are the ones who prosecute the cases you file.

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

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