
If you're living with/married to a construction worker?

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Do you feel like barfing when he (maybe she) comes home and takes off steel toed boots?! How do you ever get the wretched smell out of those things?




  1. Charcoal and/or Baking Soda.  You can buy Charcoal at Pet store, used for aquariums, put it in a cloth bag and put the bags inside the shoes when he takes them off.  Sprinkle Baking soda or talc in the shoes and also he should wash his feet daily and spray them, an anti-fungal spray works well, and won't hurt anything even if he doesn't have athletes foot.  My husband was in construction, wore steel toed shoes and they NEVER smelled, he needs to treat his feet.

  2. Have him take off his boots in the garage.  Nothing can hide that smell.

  3. I'm lucky my husband works in a machine shop and his boots stay there!  

    You can help his boots by keeping them in the garage or porch to air out... Put some baking soda in a few layers of cheesecloth and put inside boots... Or a few pieces of charcoal...

    Or get him some odor eaters...  

  4. Well, first things first.  Super clean socks (use regular bleach for white ones, wash on hot and inside out, if possible) are a must.  The second thing to do is open up the boots as wide as they'll go and place them where the sweat will evaporate (outside, in the sun).  If that's not an option, then buy a bag of crystal (not scoopable) cat litter.  Pour about a cup of the litter into a small plastic bag and poke a few holes in the bag with a pin.  Put the bag into the boot.  The silica in the litter soaks up the surrounding moisture.  Replace the bags ever week.  Odor Eaters do not take care of the problem, so don't waste your money.

  5. He has a foot odor problem.  It is not his boots.  Make sure he washes his feet well and put odor eaters in his boots and ask him to see a podiatrist

  6. you don't, you just leave them in the closet or in the trunk of his car or back of his truck.  

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