
If you're married, do you wear your wedding ring?

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If you're married, do you wear your wedding ring?




  1. Yeee

    You should...Its the only thing that shows your love, your love for each other cant be seen, its inside you.

    The ring is the only thing!

  2. I always do! I love my wedding ring!

  3. I wear it to symbolize the love and bond between my husband and I.  To show that we took that step and became legally man and wife.  

    I also wear it to show off to the guys that I am taken ;)

  4. Always, always, always.

    I am proud to display the symbol that I am commited and attached and unavailable.

  5. I work at a place were it would get ruined, but I do wear it on date night with my husband or when we have an important or special ocassion.

  6. My mom wears it most of the time - except in the water/at the beach, somewhere she thinks she'll lose it. She usually wears her engagement ring too. My aunt does the same. My dad doesn;t wear his, ever.

  7. When I leave the house. At home, I keep it on a crystal ring holder on my bedroom dresser so I don't get it dirty while cleaning and working.

  8. definitely. I only don';t wear them when i'm in the house but other than that, i make it a point to wear it when i'm going out.

  9. Yes, always. the only time it comes of is if i have to use my bare hands for cooking or making dough, in which case it gets food stuck in it.  Yuk, not so good. But then as soon as i'm finished it goes straight back on. It was too expensive to not wear! my husband would kill me!!

  10. Always; I don't believe it would even come off at this point

  11. Yes I do, I love my wedding ring just check out my wedding ring

  12. I never take my Wedding Band or Engagement Ring off unless I am at the beach.

    My Husband wears his all the time except when he is working out. He puts it on a chain around his neck.

  13. Yes, I do, but I've only been married two months.

    My mom and dad have been married 25 years and he never wears his ring, but she always wears hers.

  14. yes i wear my wedding ring all the time, men who dont are just asking for trouble,

  15. I wear my wedding band, engagement ring, and anniversary ring (for 10th) all together. They are small/thin bands, so it looks great.

  16. some times..

  17. Never take it off...I do take my engagement ring off every night, but the wedding band stays.

  18. no i lost it

  19. yes i am ... i dont wear it when i am at beach ... i dont want to lose it in water :) but everywhere i go i wear it .... if u dont wear it for what reason u buy it

  20. Some times

  21. I do, my is beautifully. :) i got from

  22. Of course. I take it off when I handle water and cleaners, but otherwise it's in its place all the time.

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