
If you're not a member of the royal family, why do you post in the royals section?

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If you're not a member of the royal family, why do you post in the royals section?




  1. Because the royalty section is for all royalty related topics...

  2. I am the confidential secretary to Rory Emerald, Baron of Sligo. It is my job to monitor this column so that my employer can be kept up to date on the latest news concerning his dearest friends.

    And the reason for your presence is?

  3. I'm a Grand Duke in Germany, which distantly relates me to the Windsors. So suck it.

  4. Where does it say that this section is only for members of a royal family....I believe it is for questions/answers ABOUT royalty not from royalty.  Are you a member of royal family...probably not, so why are you asking question in this section?

  5. Psh, who says I'm not royalty??

  6. how about drag queens?

  7. Perhaps,because this is the place to ANSWER questions ABOUT the Royal Family?Bona Fide members of the Royal Family would have a very special section just to themselves posted at the very start of the Answers website,with a badge denoting thier special status,much like "celebrity" posters have.

  8. They were meaner over in baby section

  9. hey shut up or they'll kick me out of the cats section for not being a cat

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