
If you're on a diet, is it best to drink ONLY water....?

by  |  earlier

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or is mixing in the occasional glass of orange juice, milk, etc., best/advised.

I've been on a diet for about a month now to lose weight, and I have also been excercising almost daily. But I've had a few glasses of orange juice and milk over the past few days, and I'm just wondering if drinking those would be okay.

Or is drinking nothing but water the best way to stay healthy/lose weight?





  1. If you exercise you need calcium so drink skim milk, try for 3 glasses a day. It will also fill you up more than just water.

  2. It is best to drink water and have some glasses of SKIM milk. Also, it would be good if you had calcium infused orange juice. You're fine. Just don't drink mix in stuff a lot (like crystal light) or sugary stuff like soda, and no alcohol except for the occasional wine or two every once in a while.

  3. fruit juice is always good (vitamins, but dont drink too much), but choose water as your main choice of drink

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