
If you're on low income / living alone can you get a reduction in your council tax or any kind of help?

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Thanks for all the answers so far, very helpful and most appreciated.




  1. Have a look at it should give you some guidance

  2. 25% discount if you live alone - get onto the council

  3. Yep, you can get council tax benefit, as well as single person reduction.  I get both, so go into your local council offices, with your recent P60, and tell then of your low income status.  You'll be assessed and checked yearly to make sure you still qualify, but you CAN get council tax benefit.

    The level of benefit you get will depend on your income, but certainly won't get any help if you don't ask for it

  4. 25%single persons allowance

  5. Yes!

    I own my own house but live alone and I get 25% discount

    Hope you can too!

  6. I'm not uptodate on this subject anymore, however, I suggest that you go along to your local citizens advice bureau for free advice and information. They will mosty certainly be able to sign post you on to the appropriate benefits office if they think you are entitled to help.

    It would be helpful if you took a list of all your outgoings including your council tax and proof of your earnings.

    All the best to you.

  7. 25pc single person discount,and get a water meter,a pal of mine pays £234 per annum without one, my wife and I pay £144 with one,?

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