
If you're over 18 and under 21, aren't you allowed to have closed alcohol in your car?

by Guest45458  |  earlier

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What is this law? I got pulled over the other day for making an illegal right on red (I didn't realize it was illegal) and I had a SEALED bottle of vodka in my car (back seat) and the cop took it and dumped it out on the street. Isn't this illegal? I'm 19, I thought if you were 18 you were allowed to transport it?




  1. Until you are legal to buy alcohol, you shouldn't have alcohol in your car (capped or uncapped) or on/in your person.  Sorry, you were underage.

  2. No it isn't illegal, you are. Some bars let you bartend but thats it. You need to check laws out before you assume.

  3. I take it the legal age for alcohol in the States or wherever you live is 21. Over here in England, it's 18. Unlucky.

  4. You cannot purchase or possess alcohol if you are under the legal age That includes transporting it.

  5. You are not old enough to have it in your possession at 19.  Since no one else, over 21, was with you to claim ownership, the officer had the right to dispose of it.

  6. Nope.  Where did you hear this bologna.  You have to be twenty one to buy it, possess, it and drink it.

    The Officer could've charged you with under age possession.

  7. If you're under 21 you are not supposed to have alcohol outside of very specific situations- parents home, religious ceremony, etc. To answer your question about working in a store, bar, or other job that serves alcohol- in most states you can work in these places at 18 since you are not consuming it, but you MUST be working with someone who is 21 OR OVER. Also they could send you to pick up alcohol FOR the business only, but this is unlikely.

    - David

  8. If you are 18-21 you are not allowed to have alcohol in your possession opened or closed no matter the reason he could have taken you to jail instead of dumping it on the street.

  9. You have to look up your state laws.  The Legal Age for drinking and transporting alcohol is controlled by state not the Federal Government. But all the states make it 21 for consuming because they are afraid of Cut Backs on Federal Financial Aid if they do.

    Everyone on here will give you they're opinion or fact from they're own home state. The true answer to your question lies within your States Laws.

  10. No,

    you can't legally possess alcohol if you're under 21 years old.

  11. If you are not with someone over 21 and you are with others under 21 you and all are in possession of  alcohol and you can lose your license for 3 months  This is the law in PA

  12. If you were in Michigan, technically, even sealed containers constitute open container if within reach in your car. You were luckey you didn't go to jail.

    Why are you allowed to die for your country at 18?

  13. Minors (under 21) are not allowed to possess alcohol, opened or not.  It would be very simple to reach for the bottle and open it at any time.

    As for selling it...enough lobbyists got togther and got the law makers to allow it.  I guess they could say that the minors selling the alcohol are "supervised".  

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