
If you're really into golf and u see idiots fooling around at the course, how would you feel or do?

by  |  earlier

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see i'm a teen and i plan on going to the golf course and just go chilling in my golf cart!

what would you do?




  1. first off most courses wont even let u on wit that attitude. Golf is a very serious sport and i have actually seen a member get physical with another member who was apparently "goofing around" at my course.   Noone likes ppl s******g around on the course.  I take my golf seriously and if i saw sum1 like u on the golf course i would first tell u to stop, then call the pro shop, and they would send sum1 to escort u off the course.  Also, the course will do an evalution of the holes u played if u were kicked off and if there is any sort of damage at all (skid marks, extra large divits, etc.) they would immediately ask u to pay for it (i have seen it go to court at a course near mine for teens like u ruining a golf cart).  Just do all true golfers a favour and dont even think about doing it.  If u seriously have nothing better to do then just lock urself in ur basement and play videogames...its better then purposely annoying, pissing off, and disturbing other people playing a sport they love

  2. In golf, you can carry 14 clubs, I carry 13 and a shotgun.  As a teen you should be chasing skirts far away from the golf course, and more importantly, far away from me.  Your kind has no place on a golf course.  Why not spend the loot on some p**n and stay away.  Chilling on a golf course is kind of stupid to do.  

    Of I saw your kind on the course I would first ask you not to breed in the future, then I would call the clubhouse and have them send the Ranger to come and kick you a$$ of the course and continue playing golf like a gentlemen, the way golf should be played.  A better activity for you would be trying to get a quarter out of the corner of a square room.  Good luck with that, stay off the links......

  3. I get annoyed seeing idiots fool around at the driving range.  You can gather how I'd feel about idiots fooling around at the course.  If you want chill somewhere, chill at the clubhouse.

  4. G-Tank, you don't really look, act, or talk like a golfer.  You can't talk about teens goofing around and not getting on the course "wit" that attitude.  I'm suprised they would let you on with your improper english! Like I said to the guy who asked "In golf course if I pared half and birdied half what my score," "Golfers don't use improper english.

  5. feel like they r so pathetic

  6. Idiots fooling around on the course get tossed. you really want to pay $10-15 just to drive a golf cart?

    If I had a shot I would try to hit you.

  7. Nothing you cant get on my course to start with.  Besides if your summer plans are chilling out on a golf cart haven't you been punished enough all ready

  8. Patience is the best route.  Not everybody out there has the manners to play a gentleman's game.  Usually they do a great job of making a fool of themselves and that's enough.  Practice proper etiquette and use your manners.  If the guys aren't causing any damage to the course let them do what they do.  You'll find a jackass is a dime a dozen.  Don't fight a losing battle.

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