
If you're riding a metric bike behind a group of HD's, what side of the road is best to avoid the smoke + oil?

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If you're riding a metric bike behind a group of HD's, what side of the road is best to avoid the smoke + oil?




  1. Stay behind him.......not that you will have any choice.  And quit looking at his behind!

  2. I bet you dont even have a bike

  3. To the left of them.

  4. get a life

  5. Stay next to the center stripe.  Most of them hug the shoulder.  That will keep you up-hill of bouncing parts, too.

  6. Just blow on by them, I found this to be the best method of avoiding harley debris. Sure are quite a bit of harley guys trying to defend the harley, if they didn't spend all their money on that rattle trap harley they too could be riding instead of working on their junk.

    now, howd ya like that?

  7. The best side is  in front.

  8. That's actually a pretty silly question. Drop back if you can't stand the noise and smoke. ( Harley's don't smoke anymore or leak oil ) or just drive normally. They'll lose you in about 10 seconds or so.  

  9. I feel sorry for your parents.It must have been a total letdown to see their little boy grow up to be a total idiot.Your picture should be on posters for birth control.I can see the poster now....PLEASE practice safe s*x or you could end up with one of these! Birth control product sales would skyrocket!

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