
If you're sad what do you do to cheer yourself up ?

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If you're sad what do you do to cheer yourself up ?




  1. lots of things usually It's best to keep your mind busy and not focusing on what's hurting you so I usually


    listen to music

    take a walk

    treat myself to a warm shower or bath

    read a good book

    but what works the most is spending time with my kids, they keep me so occupied I don't think about it. What really cheers me up are their smiles or just talking to a friend. Venting is the best way to do it. You can write your feelings down or talk to someone about them.

    Hugs from the people I love always cheer me up too

    hope this helps you in some way.

  2. hearing is peace to mind.

  3. one thing. listen to ai otsuka's - peach.

  4. Play the one and only song that makes me feel better. Superfreak by Rick James.  

    Oh, right. You're wanting advice. Well, it works for me anyway.

  5. What is the thing that make you happy?

    Music, eating, watching telly, playing on the computer?

    Just do something that makes you feel happy?

    Have u got an Wii? If u do play that!!!

    Go out with your mates and watch a film!!!

  6. try and take my mind off of it.


    -get really into music and lyrics and spend lots of time trying to find and down loading new music.  Then I relate the lyrics to my life.

    -Go spend as much time with friends as possible and distract myself.  Try not to be along until I am feeling a little better.

    -Listen to talk radio while i do something artsy (draw, knit, do my nails really well, sew) This takes your mind hella far away and you are doing something productive.

    -If you dont want to escape how you feel, then you should journal

    -or talk to someone one about why you are feeling sad like a friend, parent or therapist.

    -you can go on and read about all the crapy things that are happening all over the world and then you might realise they you are not as badly off as some people

    -play with a pet

    -get really nicely dressed up and go out somewhere fun

    -buy yourself something nice

    -work out, that always makes me feel better, getting in shape, doing something productive, and raising your levels of endorphins.

    -wake up early, be productive, and get some sunsine

    -just spend time on here helping other people with their problems and then that should make you feel a little better.. karma u know?

    hehe i hoped atleast something in there struck home for you!

    just do what you like and spend time with people u like.

  7. I eat chocolates and after that, I'll feel good

  8. listen to music or watch a dvd movie.

  9. I listen to my music. No matter what song is playing I can always feel better.

  10. Sing!


  11. listen to music and sing REALLY LOUD. lolz - i do that anyway.

  12. i breakdance until i cant feel mah body, or paint, or listen to loud music, or i get on my car aand i drive 100 mph on da freeway

  13. I google for funny and cute pictures that make me smile. Example :

    the internet is full of things like this. Stupid, but hopefully it will cheer you up.

    Also it's good to get out into the sunshine. Meditation helps too.

    Best advice is try not to worry. You'll be ok.  

  14. 1. Music - Music helps me stress out.

    2. Watching animé - The comedy ones are great too! XD

  15. I usually fall into a blank stare for several hours or days and then I m********e furiously. A few hours after this I'm good to go and ready to conquer the world. I don't understand it but it seems to work every time.

  16. I like to listen to music whether it be upbeat to cheer me up or something mellow to ease my anger/sadness. Just pop on the headphones go somewhere quiet and be with yourself and relax. Music is such an underrated form of therapy!!

  17. play online games and kill other players. ^,..,^

  18. Depends on what is making me sad. I write alot about everything and anything so that almost always helps sort things out. Singing helps too.

    Too be sure though, it is ok, normal and quite natural to be sad sometimes; just not all the time. Let it out.

  19. Youtube.

    Dane Cook.

  20. Read books and stand in the sunshine.

  21. One word. Music.

  22. Loud Music, Dance, Shout.................. :P

  23. Call your friends, they will always be there to help you.

  24. Thank God Im not as old as John McCain

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