
If you're shooting 4 the black ball & you hit it & it doesn't go in a pocket, but the cue ball does, r u out?

by  |  earlier

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i know that if you're on the black and you hit it and it goes in the pocket followed by the cue ball you're out, but what if the cue ball goes in another pocket on its own?




  1. You can't scratch on the eight ball.

  2. I'll assume that you are playing eight ball.  Typically when you scratch on the eight ball you lose.  I say typically because eight ball seems to have tons of local rules, i.e., in my neck of the woods, they call all shots.  I've never seen that in televised tournaments, but they swear it is the rule here.

  3. It sounds like you're playing UK 8 ball, aka Blackball. If that is the case, I believe you do not lose if you are on the black and pocket the cue ball, as long as the black does not go in as well.

    You can find the rules for Blackball and 8 Ball at the link below.

    EDIT: Dragon: Jr said he was in Ireland, and likely is playing blackball, not 8 ball. This is a perfectly legitimate, WPA recognized game. In blackball, the incoming player gets 2 turns after a foul.

  4. You are out.

  5. No your opponent gets 2 shots and a free table, some people play different rules but i never heard the one you mention above some rules you might only get one shot on the black. Super-league rules you get 2 shots

  6. No

  7. You're out!, is only used in baseball!

    EDIT- I have never heard anywhere that your opponent gets two shots, and a free table, unless you're joking!.

    Why would you need two free shots, or ball in hand as we call it, can't make it in one, give it up!.

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