
If you're sitting somewhere and someone comes and tells you they were sitting there first, how do you deal?

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In any situation, doesn't have to just be sitting somewhere

Could be you're using something

What if it's a group of people telling you to get up

How do you deal with this kind of situation?

Should you just get up or stand up for yourself?




  1. That is totally letting people take advantage of you.  You just sit there, and if they try to touch you then you get out of the nice stage and stick up for yourself!  Saying no to someone isnt always mean.

  2. Pick your battles, but set your limits.

  3. If you never saw them stting there u dont have to get up.

    If they looked sincere aand were nice about it id let them have it.

    But id defnetly wonder the same.

  4. Just say "s***w off buddy"

    if its a girl say "im not moving but you can sit on my lap"

  5. It's hard to be general about it.. it depends on the situation.. If you're at a sporting event or in a theater and someone went to get something to eat or drink, then I think it'd be appropriate to get up.. if you're sitting at a table in a public place you can go ahead and stay..

    it also depends how nice the person is about the situation.. For example...

    "My friend and I were sitting there before and would like to have our seats back"


    "OMG Get up that's my seat!!!"

  6. unless the seats are reserved on payment or otherwise,  it is wrong for anyone to suggest that u vacate because they were earlier sitting there. however,  it is o.k to accommodate them and leave your seat for them, if it is not very inconvenient.  

  7. Depends on situation. In any situation the other person should not be rude and demanding. However, we know that's not always the case. Size things up. Don't play into their little game of intimidation. Avoid a confrontation. Give it up, and walk, don't run away.  If they "were" sitting there first, and ask nicely, make apologies, and give up the seat. If a co-worker tries to intimidate you in the presence of other employees, and tells you they were sitting there first, etc., stand up for yourself..... Don't let them demoralize you.  Of course, you should always try politeness, and be safety conscious.

  8. Wow, I just flashed back to the 5th grade. If anyone is petty enough to care, there's a problem.

  9. if u saw them there then ok get up but if u've been sitting there for a while then say "uh no i've been here the whole time and your name isnt writen here anywhere"

  10. You tell them that they have to sit on your lap

  11. i tell them you move your meat you lose your seat unless its a grandpa or grandma them i move =]

  12. then just get up and let them, besides they won't lie if they aren't really the one occupying that seat first. And it would be obvious if they are lying.

  13. it's a`public place, they will find another free spot.

    if they have knives, leave!

  14. If its and elderly person get up but other than that idk i feel the same way  hopefully someone gives a better answer

  15. i would say well you got up and i dont see your name here

  16. I usually just letting them go..cause i'm thinking they were telling the truth and i don't want to cause some drama,,and if they were lying,karma would get back on

    thats what i think

  17. One person, I would probably say "Sorry, I'm here now." Group of people, I would probably move unless there was no other place to sit.

  18. I don't know.. it happened to me at Starbucks.. I sat down in a nice armchair.. it was unoccupied.  a magazine was on the seat and i removed it.. I know some people do reserve seats by leaving a cardigan or a bad on the seat.. then I know they reserve it.. they get their coffee or whatever and I accept it..I wouldn't dream of sitting there but this guy left a magazine there. and he came back and told me that was his seat.. and I said '' Well not any longer, I am sitting here now'' then he said ''Get up' I said.. no, look around you, there are plenty of normal chairs around you.. he told you he had left the magazine there to reserve his seat.,. I said ''yes and it was in my way and i removed it but here it is'' and  I gave it to him.. he was furious but he had no right to 'reserve the seat that way.. but if confronted with a group.. I would not get into a's not worth it.. if they are so immature they need that particular seat and there are others free then I move.. but not in the case with this guy xx

  19. you are being taken advantage of, and i'd usually co operate too, just move and take it lightly, then after you move curse them in your mind, don't show it, act like you arn't affected by them telling you to move, and well.. move.  

  20. In some situations I would let them have the seat. Like if I sat down in their seat while they were going to the restroom and I didn't know it was occupied then I would move.

    But if I were sitting there for a little while and they wanted me to move, not to sure about that.

    Now if I were at a bar and a large group came in and asked me to scoot down so they could all sit together... I would be nice and probably move.

  21. the last time that happened to me was 18 yrs ago. i was on a grey hound bus. it was definately first come first serve. a woman and her daughter told be that's our seat we were here first. i told the mom if she wanted my seat she could pick me up and move me otherwise "bug" off! she was rude first i don't feel bad.

  22. If someone came up to me and told me they were sitting there first then I would tell them, "I don't see your name on this seat so find another one!"  I wouldn't care if it was a group or not I am down for the count and if they don't like it then they can mope about it sitting somewhere else.  

  23.     honestly, there gender doesn't matter. for a women yeah i'll move. but for a guy, depends on how there acting, i won't if there just being a punk.

  24. Well, if they're nice about it, then give them the seat back...or in your situation...give them whatever they were using back. But if they tell you to "bug off", well don't be mean, but also don't be super nice and give them whatever back. Treat people the way u wanna be treated right? :3

    hope this helped :D

  25. If you think you're being taken advantage of stand up for yourself.

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