
If you're spouse is an undocumented immigrant, can you add him/her to your health insurance coverage?

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If you're spouse is an undocumented immigrant, can you add him/her to your health insurance coverage?




  1. Not until (s)he gets a social security number.


  2. depends on where you live.  Some insurance companies require a social security number....others don't.

  3. Get that husband documented!  My own mother is from Mexico and got her papers and then her citizenship.  I cannot understand why there are so many undocumented people here scared to file.  What is the deal?

  4. You will definitely needn an SSN.  However, if you are an American, your spouse should be in the process of becoming a citizen, as he/she gets that privilege after marriage.

  5. No, they'll need the SS number to be added.   Time to document.

  6. Not generally.  The HR department will often require some sort of proof like a SSN, etc.

    Also, by putting the undocumented immigrant on your insurance policy, you take the chance of getting busted.

    I used to do dependent eligibility audits for a national benefits consulting company.  There were times that we discovered an undocumented immigrant dependent, and we had to advise the person's employer of the situation.  I have no idea what the employer did with the info from there.  The spouse was removed from the insurance policy, of course.  But I'm not sure if any of the employers notified immigration about the undocumented spouse too.

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