
If you're usually never approached by people, does it most likely mean you're not that attractive?

by  |  earlier

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I know that if you don't have inviting body language, and if you appear to be an aloof loner, not many people are gonna talk to you. If you're attractive though, wouldn't there be at least some people out of all the different types of personalities that would try and get to know you, even though you don't appear to want people near you? Does it automatically mean that you aren't goodlooking if no one ever wants to talk to you?

Sorry if that's confusing to understand. I couldn't really put what I'm trying to say into words.




  1. Simple. We can't deny the body language and the attractiveness part but it only the bonus points.The most important thing is your willingness to be approached. If nobody approach you, meaning you have to approach others. That's how it works.

    "If you can't pull a door, why don't you push it?"

  2. no, looks good or bad can both repell and attract. some people are imtimidated by good looks, and some are drawn.   some people trust good looks, others are very leary.  there is no standard.  looks really are not important therefor.   ever know a really attractive person who cannot seem to get a date or mate? or who seems to be avoided? same happens to unattractive people, mostly uit has to do with there "appeal, not looks, how they present themselves weather friendly or "down to earth" as they say.  I have seem somewhat unattract men and woman be very social with many people and dates and mates, and it's because they are friendly people, same with attractive. and the opposite also happens with both if they are aloof, crass, vulgar,introverted,ovrly shy, etc.

  3. no you are only as beautiful as you are inside. that being said perhaps you need to make a few approaches of your own! as far as the good looking part i cant see you or know you but i am sure that if you have heart enough to care what others think you probaly got a great heart! open up to others and they will open up to you

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