
If you're walking home at night and notice a black guy walking from the opposite direction toward you..?

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do you cross the street and pretend that's your way home (then cross back after you pass the black pedestrian).

What about if it's a white guy walking toward you from the opposite way?

The street is dimmly lit and no one else is on the street.




  1. Yeah, I would walk across the street to avoid them.  Doesn't matter if its a female.    People freak me out.

  2. If you dont feel conformable with some walking toward you like that just pretend to ignore him or not recognize his exisitance, just be sure you dont stare at him. And I don't see why his skin color has to do with anything, you could have left that out.

  3. I walk my route exactly as I have figured the best way to go unless I see a mean dog.

  4. onestly if any type of guy is comeing at me while im alone at night i cross the street

    the harm you can put people in isnt based on what type of skin color you are

  5. Stop being a wimp and don't worry about that guy walking he just trying to get to his destination.  If you feel insecure carry pepper spray or a wrench or something to protect yourself.  Not one guy if I saw a gang of them like 3 or more I would cross and have my hand ready to grab my weapon.  Like whats up with putting down skin color I know a lot of African Americans who are nice and wouldn't even bother you unless you bother them first.  That's like someone saying what if they see you walking down the street toward them I know I would be ready to throw a punch if I had too.  Everywhere I look now I see senior citizens carrying golf clubs, umbrellas, in Detroit broomsticks, mops, rakes to protect themselves because the way the neighborhood has become crime central.

  6. Well if he's out to get you it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference if you cross or not,,black or white....

  7. If he's an old, fat, black (or white) man in a business suit, I wouldn't care.

    If it was Hillary Clinton, I WOULD cross the street and also make sure to have pepper spray ready for any attack.

  8. id keep walking the way i was and say hey hows it going......

  9. It depends on how the black guy AND the white guy are dressed, actually.

  10. keep walking, head down and dont make eye contact.  nothing to do with skin colour.

    i wouldnt really be worried with one person, i would be more bothered by a gang (especially chavs).

  11. definitely cross

  12. i would keep walking past him.white or black i dont care,if you wanna mess with me go ahead,cause i have a surprise.

  13. I would cross the street no matter what race the guy was.

  14. i would hollor at  Hay see this i got pepper spray and i know how to use it

  15. I don't see what race has to do with the issue. I'd avoid all dimmly lit late night walks these days.

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