
If you 'siram' the pokok bunga, it will grow up if?

by  |  earlier

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i siram the hobbit? will they grow up too? not only hobbit but all short people.....




  1. Nope - try pouring water on a kid. The kid won't automatically grow up right? Still need to eat and drink water.

    Actually more like, if you 'siram' an orang kerdil will the orang kerdil become normal? no right? So the answer for hobbits is - no.

  2. IDK but if u dont kno wat siram mean, it mean pour. I think

  3. hobbit, frodo, bilbo baggins....

  4. Hobbits and short people will hang you by your siram thing.

  5. Hobbit and all the short people federation will cut your 'siram' thing in public area

  6. LOL..

    I think they'd siram you back..

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