
If you've FELT that a sibling is put on a pedestal by a parent over you & even as an older adult, how do you?

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deal with it. It could be just a feeling because my mom denies it. I'm in my forties and my sister is in her early thirties. She has a great job as a senior admin (she blows up the title to say she does Brokerage and Leasing of commercial office space-she shows space, but has no license). My mom always says what an important job she has. I hate that I've never felt like she thought much of me. I am jealous of a couple of qualities my sister has that makes her great at her job, but I'm sick of my mom saying things that makes me feel worse because my sister is just so great in her eyes. Sometimes I tell myself to "let it go" and I do for a while and then the feelings come back. If my sister had such a great job, would she be sending silly emails all the time? Please give me some advice without being a smart you know what. Thanks




  1. does she have kids, husband, etc?

    do you?

    I have a brother in law who hasn't worked in 5 years, freeloading off his 82 year old parents.......if he FARTS, they say his farts are sweeter smelling than anyone elses in the family.....he can do nothing wrong

    my wife and her other brothers and sisters see this too and resent i see it.......he is a defective looser and this is the only way they know how to build him up, is by praising him in front of all those that have jobs, family responsiblity etc..

  2. m in my 50s and am g oing through that, only its my brother that is a saint and  witch of a wife, my sister and i cant do anything right, and they cant do anything wrong, its sickening...when i go visit, and she starts in, i tune her out, and i visit less and less, next year i plan on going to my sisters and tell them if they want to see me, t hey will bring mom there..I let alot of it go, but there is sooo much backbitting down there, it sickens i just try to ignore, ignore ignore..

  3. You can bet your mom isn't getting rich off of your sister. She's using her and your mom isn't about to admit that.  

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