
If you've adopted?

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then what is the easiest agency to work with and the lowest cost?




  1. I tend to agree with Heather H's answer below, however, too realize that people just starting to explore adoption are not familiar with the proper language. Therefore, I will offer you this, please make sure you do your research.  Contact several agencies in your area. Attend seminars on adoption.  Talk with other adoptive parents and adoptees as well. Read, read, read. Then, if you are truly ready for adoption, the "cost" should not be a factor.

  2. My siblings and I were in the foster care system as older children 9.8. and 7 when we lost our parents. We were adoptable but noone ever adopted any of us. We were all seperated and some of my siblings have major issues with drugs and depression I am pretty sure due to the lack of love we had in foster care...PLEASE help children here in America be adopted....And it is free. You just call your local DSHS and ask how to get started. Tell them you want adoptable children.

    Just remember noone asks to be born so always always do your best for these precious children.

    Good Luck!

  3. From foster care

    My Ick-Factor is kicked into action when I hear this question asked over and over again.   There's something distasteful about asking how to 'get a child quick and cheap' IMO

  4. I work in foster care, and I adopted from foster care, but it takes a special person to be able to love a child who was not an infant when they adopted. My children were 9, 4 and 6 months when we became a family, and it was hard at first, it has been the best thing in the world. I did not have to pay a dime, and for most foster children who are adopted, the adoptive family gets an adoption subsidy every month to help financially, called the Adoption Assistance Act. But, again, its for people who want a family, not just to buy a baby.

  5. Adopt a waiting child from social services.
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